Thursday, December 18, 2008

Jared wouldn't behave to let me take this picture and he kept sticking out his tongue.

Jacob teasing Adam.

Jacob pushed his two tractors together and said they were getting sugar beats.

Jacob is using his hand as a backhoe. He said he was digging a pool. Then he filled it with "water (moon sand)".

Adam having fun with the horse and stick.

Our morning went pretty much the same as yesterday am. At 11am we went outside. The sun was shinning and it felt nice out there. Jacob found a triangular piece of wood that he used as a boat. He liked pushing it around in the snow. Adam loves climbing all over the trailer. We had fun making tracks in the snow. We also had fun making shapes in the snow with our footprints. I shoveled a path so the gravity wagon can get out of our driveway and then back to the barn. Soon we’ll be getting corn for it. It was almost 1pm when we came back inside. I warmed up mac-n-cheese for lunch. After lunch I did a little laundry and cleaned up the kitchen. Adam played with toys and Jacob drew on his white board. Then we read some book and did our daily routine for nap and resting time. After Jacob was done resting we read some books until Daddy came home around 5pm. Adam woke up around 5:30. This evening we went to Walmart and Home Depot. Adam and I went into Walmart to return something, while Daddy and Jacob went to Home Depot for wood pellets. Back at home Daddy and I played duck duck goose with the boys. Both boys wanted to be the “ducker” so they went around together. It cracks me up watching Adam play this game. Then the boys and I ran to hide on Daddy. We hid behind the door in the bathroom and “scared” Daddy when he came in there to look for us. Jacob then played with his moon sand until bedtime. As the boys were brushing their teeth Adam found a paper from a band-aid on the floor. He sat down and put the paper on his legs saying, "owie". So I put a band-aid on his leg and he ran to show Daddy his "owie". Adam picked out some bedtime books for us to read together. One of his favorites lately is “Clifford’s Peekaboo”. Baby Clifford hides throughout this book. The second page says, “Peekaboo inside a shoe” but before I read this Adam points and says, “Shoe!” Third and fourth pages say, “Under a rug, Inside a mug”. On the fourth page Adam likes to point out the spoon sitting by the mug and says, “poon”. Fifth and sixth pages say, “Under blocks, With lots of socks”. Adam says, “Blocks!” and “Socks!” as he points at these pages. Next pages say, “In a bowl, Through a hole”. Adam says, “Bowl” and then puts his head down towards the fork and pretends to be chewing. The next page says, “under a hat, here comes the cat!” And the last page says, “Peekaboo! I see you!” Adam sure wiggles and giggles for the last page when the Clifford comes out from under the hat. We also always read the bible. Tonight we read about Noah’s arch. Adam likes to point out the animals. He pointed at the bunnies said “Meow!” and the turtles and said, “Froggie”. He likes to point at the animals and I tell him what he’s pointing at. After I said mice he replied, “mice”, and after I said elephant he replied, “el-phent”. Then when he saw the lions he said, “R-aaar!” Daddy and Jacob read as I tucked Adam in bed. Then Jacob picked out three books for me to read to him. Tonight he said, “I wanna read three bibles” so he brought me three different bibles to read.


Anonymous said...

This is a great account of Adam interacting with a favorite book. This kind of response is so important for the future of good readers. We all interact with books as we read -- we just learn to keep it internalized, inside our heads. Adam is still at an age when he can really INTERACT -- put that head down on the page, pretend he is the picture, repeat the words he likes. Thanks for sharing these details.

And thanks for letting me know the boys had hot mac n cheese for lunch! Yummy yummy in my tummy!

And, by the way, you are welcome for the Christmas card.

Melissa said...

We have that same book, and it was Max's favorite for a long time too. Loved hearing all the details of how Adam interacts with it.

Melissa said...

Hailey sure loved the birthday card you emailed her. She wanted to watch it over and over.

The Daddy said...

Kimmy next time Jared sticks out his tongue tell him a bird will go doo doo on his tongue. He heard that when he was little and wow did it stop him from doing that.