Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve 2008

The alarm was set for 6am. I got up to preheat the oven and then put the pie in. I lay awake in bed for awhile. The heated matress felt nice. Around 7:30 Jacob called me from his bedroom saying, "Mommy, I want you". When I went to check on him he said, "I need you to help me get in my leeping bag". I asked him if he wanted to come lay with me and Daddy. He was very excited as he cuddled between us. Adam soon was also awake. The boys didn't even notice the Christmas presents in their stockings and under the tree until we showed them. Jacob was too busy running up and down the hall excitedly. They had fun opening their stockings. In their stockings were playdoh, tic tacs, m&m's, and three cars each. While they played Daddy took the dogs outside. The boys took turns opening presents. First Jacob opened up a book and Daddy read it to him. Jacob also got a tool box, a shovel, and automoblox. He loved opening all his gifts. Adam got a book, a piano, and a shopping cart with groceries. Though he wasn't much into unwrapping the gifts, he sure had fun playing with them. He pushed the shopping cart all over the house and loved playing with the groceries. Jacob sat at the counter to play with his tool and automoblox. I sat down by Adam and he handed me a piece of fruit, which I pretended to eat. I then stood up to see what Jacob was doing. As soon as I stood up, Adam pointed at the floor and said, "Tit down!" Daddy got a sign crafter for his router, a weather station, and a RC helicopter. I got a origami box calender, a 4GB memory card, and a new camera! Before I unwrapped my last present (the camera) Jacob shouted, "It your new camera!" It was fun watching Daddy play with his helicopter. Jacob looked at me and asked, "how old am I now?" We headed over to Mom's house at 9:30. Dad prayed and then read the Christmas story from the bible. We sang happy birthday to Jesus. Then we passed out gifts to everyone. The kids took turns opening their gifts. Jacob played with his automoblox and car mat. He really wanted to open the moon sand but we decided to save that for home. Jacob wouldn't open a present until he knew who it was from. He'd hand the present to Daddy and say, "Read this". Adam didn't really want to sit and open gifts. He was too interested in other things (like snacking on crackers). He did have fun playing with his toy camera and tractor. Later we found a present he'd missed. He opened it and was excited about the Thomas train flashlight. He had fun pushing it around and turning on the light. After all the kids had opened there gifts, we adults took turns opening our gifts starting with Grandpa. Kenzie bought such thoughful gifts for all of us. The kids had fun playing in the basement until the food was ready. The Christmas meal was great - thanks Mom! Nana and Kenzie did the "What God wants from You" nativity with the kids. Around 3pm I lay Adam down for a nap. I lay down next to him, patted his belly and sang some songs. He kept saying, "Row Row Row" as he patted his belly. He pointed at my eye, nose, and ear saying, "eye, nose, ear" for each. Daddy came and lay with us for a little while. Kenzie gave me with a fake lottery ticket which I fell for. I really thought she'd won $10,000 and took it to show her Mom. Mel and her family left at around 4pm. Jared, Dad, and Jacob went down to the basement. I helped Mom put together her new tv tray set. Adam woke up around 5:30 and was very fussy for about 30 minutes. He took some books over for Papa to read to him. We played with the Little People barns. Jacob covered himself with a blanket and laughed as we teased him. Adam wanted a blanket so he could copy Jacob. Adam ran and hid in the closet. He sure giggled and clapped his hands as I searched for him. When I opened the door and found him he said, "Da(again)!" We got home around 7pm. The boys had fun playing with all their new things. Jared and I also had fun with our new things. I packed for our trip to IN. This evening at bedtime I was going to read Jacob his new book. He only wants Daddy to read that book. After they finished it he said, "I love that book". The boys were tucked in bed around 9:30. Jacob was really wound up but fell asleep quickly.