Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The boys are pretending to be "helicopters".

I went to take a picture of the boys reading and Adam gave me this big smile.

This is Jacob's "Chipper truck".

Jacob is sawing down trees.

Jacob wrapping gifts (blocks) for all of us.
Then he put them under the tree. He could hardly wait for Daddy to get home and open his gift. As soon as Adam woke up from his nap he helped him open his gift.
The boys watching Daddy plow the snow.
Playing around.

Back to watching Daddy after their bath.

This morning I finished wrapping all but one present. Jacob and Adam woke up around 8am. While the boys ate their breakfast I made an apple pie for tomorrow. Jacob had fun playing with flour and some cars. After a while he took the wax paper tube, held it on his head, and ran up and down the hallway saying he was a helicopter. Adam held his doctor tools up to his head and ran around like Jacob. The boys liked watching the tree trimmers out our window this morning. They were cutting down trees along our road and also cleared most of the brush and trees we'd cut down. Around 10am we headed into town. First we stopped at the library, then the bank, Salvation Army, and the dollar store. We ate sandwiches for lunch in the car. Got back home around 1pm. Around 2pm when I went to tucked Adam in for his nap, he asked for Jacob to come pat his belly. Jacob kept touching his cheek or nose and making him laugh. Then Jacob said, "One more time". We rubbed his head and told him goodnight before leaving the room. Jacob and I read some books together. Then Jacob watched a Baby Einstein dvd while I put together Adam's shopping cart and then wrapped it. Jacob was excited when I gave him some leftover wrapping paper, scissors, and tape. He had a great time wrapping blocks for Daddy, Mommy, Adam, and for himself. It took him a while to wrap them all. He loved it and when Daddy and Nana called he wanted me to tell them what he was doing. After he was finished he put all the gifts under the tree. We got some parts in the mail to fix our snow plow. So, after dinner, Jared went outside to work on that and take care of the animals. He got it fixed and the boys loved watching him plow the driveway. After their bath they went right back to the couch to wathc Daddy. They were both tucked in bed around 8:45. Jared got done around 9pm. Soon we'll be filling the boys stockings and putting the presents under the tree, yeah!!!!


Anonymous said...

The pictures of the boys make me laugh. Adam is so funny. Wow...plowing in the dark. See you SOON. It's predicted to be 60 on Sat. Crazy...I wish you had some of that heat. Santa filled the stockings today. he early this year.

Melissa said...

That's the same thing Hailey and Max were doing all day today. I gave them all the wrapping paper scraps and they wrapped a bunch of toys and put them under the tree. Then they would give them to one of us or each other to open. They sure get excited as they watch us open our present. It's so funny.

Those pictures of the boys playing made me laugh too.

Anonymous said...

Does Jacob have a gift(woodblock) wrapped for his grandma and grandpa? I hope so.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. And I love how Adam has his brother come rub his tummy.