Wednesday, December 10, 2008

There getting snow shovel's for Christmas - I think there going to have fun with them.

Jacob having fun with his "spinner fing". He making lines in the snow with the handle and "driving" with the shovel end.

I like this next picture.

Just before I took this picture Jacob had his face in the snow and was eating it.

Here Jacob is "planting his tree".
"oops, it fell over".
Funny hat hair.
Adam was pushing around the train when Jacob made a "train" with the tow trucks and semi truck. He tried to convice Adam that this was better so he could have the other train, but it didn't work.

We got few more inches of snow during the night. The boys woke up shortly after 9 am. During breakfast we watched Clifford. Got the boys dressed and then we went outside to play in the snow. Jacob was so excited to go outside and shovel. He played with the shovel almost the entire time we were out there. Adam and I took turns with the other shovel. Adam followed the cats around and enjoyed petting them. I wanted to build a snowman but it wasn’t good packing snow. We went back inside shortly after 11:00. Adam was ready to come inside but Jacob wasn't - that is until I mentioned hot chocolate. We watched Baby Einstein – On the Go. The boys loved watching this dvd. After lunch we played duck duck goose. Usually when its Adam's turn to be the "ducker" I walk with him and help him, "Ducking" Jacob and then Truman. Today he did it all on his own. It was so cute. He seemed like such a "big" boy. He'd put his hand on my head and then Jacob’s as he said, “dock, dock”. We knew when he wanted to say goose because he'd stop with his hand on one of our heads, then he'd smile big and run away (down the hallway). We got out the soft cars and trains to play with. Around 2pm I read some books to Adam and tucked him in for a nap. Then Jacob and I read some books before he rested. I checked the email and read Kat’s email about the star pj’s for Andrew. That reminded me that I was going to call Children’s Places and see if they had any in stock in Andrew’s size. After calling a few stores I found one at a store about 45 minutes away. I asked them to hold it for us and they said sure. They asked when we’d be in to pick it up so I called Jared. We decided to go tonight. I got the kids ready and pick Jared up on the way. We left at around 4:30. This Children’s Place is in a HUGE outlet mall which we love visiting and haven’t been to in a while. The boys ate sandwiches and animals crackers in the car on the way. At Children's Place I also found a couple clearance priced shorts for Jacob. We walked thru several stores including a big toy store. The boys had fun walking up and down the rows of toys. We put the boys in their pj’s before headed back home around 8:30. We got home at 9:30 after stopping to pick up Jared’s car from work. Jacob had fallen asleep in the car and stayed asleep as I moved him into his bed. After tucking Adam in bed we went outside to take care of the animals. Then we had popcorn and ice cream while watching a couple episodes of Lucy. (1) Lucy Gets in Pictures (I love the part when Lucy wears the heavy head dress and also when she keeps arguing with the director), (2) The Fashion Show (Funniest part to me was when Lucy pretends to call Ricky so Don Juan will overhear and put her in his fashion show. I just love her voice when she's trying to talk all fancy)


Anonymous said...

The SNOW...there is so much. I'm with you outside playing. I loved to do that but almost without fail...after getting all the stuff on the boys, they needed to go to the bathroom. Uck. All that white stuff was tons of fun. Jacob gets quite inventive with Adam but interesting that it doesn't always work. Yahoo on the sleeper. Keep playing.

The Daddy said...

How much snow did you get? Looks like over 12 inchs or more. Thanks for finding the PJ's Andrew will love them!!

Anonymous said...

14" of snow on the ground. This is typically Jan. type snow totals.'ll snow and melt a little... Mid jan begins the Deep Freeze in MI...temps get cold 15 to 5 degrees F (like they are now) and stay there till mid to end of feb. Winter has started with some intensity this year.

And remember.... Lets be careful out there.

The Mommy said...

I don't envy the snow at all. Maybe a little at Christmas, but you can keep it.

Thanks SOOOO much for finding the jammies!!! I honestly expected our family/friends in the south to have better luck with heavy, fleece sleepers than you all up in MI! Maybe they stock extras up there because of the cold!! Andrew will be thrilled to have his "stars" back!

Anonymous said...

All that snow reminds me of why I enjoy Georgia.

I, too, love Lucy in that headdress -- so funny! I am laughing about it and I haven't seen the episode in YEARS!

Thanks for sharing, Kimmy.

Melissa said...

It looks like you guys got alot more snow than we did. Love Jacob's hat hair picture.

Anonymous said...

Great outdoor pictures. I love Jacob's hair in the snowsuit picture indoors too. Love ya!