Monday, December 29, 2008

Sliding under Jacob's legs.

Smiling for Aunt "Bippi".

Who wants the last apple?
Playing with playdoh

Adam woke up around 8:15am. I enjoyed listening to him talk thru the monitor before going in to get him. Jacob woke up around 9am. Adam went right to pushing around his new tractor. Jacob asked to played with the automoblox and his toolbox. The boys requested eggs for breakfast so I scrambled some up for them. After breakfast Adam had fun playing with his gears toy. Jacob pretended to be a doctor. He put his new doctor kit in the “ambulance (shopping cart)” and said he had "business to do". Vikki, Kenzie, Tyler, and Jesse arrived soon after noon. I made mac-and-cheese for lunch. The kids had a great time playing together. As Jacob, Tyler(6 yrs old), and Jesse(4yrs old) ran up and down the hallway Adam trailed closely behind. They were all giggling and having so much fun. We put in the Cars dvd and I gave Jacob and Tyler a haircut. Around 2:30 I lay Adam down for a nap. We went outside and I saddled up Sammy for the kids to ride. We came back inside around 4:30. The kids had fun playing with playdoh at the counter. Adam woke up around 5pm. I gave Jesse a haircut. Jared got home around 6pm. We made pancakes for dinner. The kids enjoyed watching Truman do his trick. Shortly after 7pm Vikki, Tyler, and Jesse headed home. Kenzie is spending the night here tonight. We left to pick up our van from the auto shop and got back home around 8pm. While Adam was taking a bath, Kenzie and Jacob played with playdoh. Adam sure enjoyed playing his new Elmo bath toy. He liked washing Elmo’s head and filling his tub with water. Jacob also had fun playing with Elmo in the tub. He loved scrubbing the “dirt” off of him as it disappears with warm water. Daddy was reading to Adam when we came out. I cuddled with Adam in the rocking chair. Kenzie read to Jacob this evening. He was so excited that she was sleeping in his room tonight.


Anonymous said...

What a fun day for all the kids. I hear your place is the best place to go. Nice pictures. I will have to see the Elmo bath toy. Sounds like fun. Love ya