Monday, December 08, 2008

At Bronner's (World's largest Christmas store).

Adam loved petting this sheep. He'd quickly pet it and then come back to me smiling.

At the Live Nativity.

Wide-eyed Jacob looking for Roman soldiers.

Jacob came into our bed shortly after 8am. The boys watched a Baby Einstein dvd during breakfast. We left for church around 9:15. After church we went into Home Depot to get some wood pellet. After putting the bags onto the cart we let the boys ride on the bags. They sure thought that was fun. A sales lady stopped us and told us they couldn't ride on them because it was too dangerous. We had them get off and Adam cried. I distracted him with some Christmas lights which he liked looking at. I then went into meijer for a few thing. While I was in the store Daddy drove to the auto shop to look at the smashed cars. When I got back in the car Jacob was excited to tell me about the smashed cars and that Daddy did donuts in the parking lot. We got home around lunchtime. It was the usual Sunday pizza for lunch. After lunch we got out the wood blocks to play with. I lay Adam down for an early nap. Jacob then asked to get out his foam blocks so we put the wood blocks away. Around 3:30 we took a trip to Bronner's (the Worlds largest Christmas store). Its a great store to walk around. The boys also enjoyed it. We left around 5pm. The boys ate sandwiches for dinner on the go. We met my parents and Mel and her family at a nearby church around 5:30pm. Every year we attend their live Nativity. First we gathered in a large room to sing Christmas songs as we waited. They let a couple rows go at a time. Jacob sat by Nana but soon asked Hailey to move over so he could sit by Max. Outside and met in a tent. A guide then led us to the town of Bethlehem. We talked to some shephards and then got stopped by some Roman soldiers. The soldiers talked loudly as they searched us and then sent us on our way. We had to get our scrolled parchment papers and then took them to another tent to have them stamped. We went thru town where people tried to sell us things (animals, jewery, food, etc). There was even a camel in town. We made it to the inn but the inn keeper sent us to the stable. Thats where we found Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. We had a great time and I'm glad this has become a tradition for our family. Afterwards we get cookies and drinks. The kids had fun playing together. Adam had lost his mitten so I went back to find it. Someone had turned it in. We stopped at Mel's house on the way home. The boys had fun playing for a little while. We changed them into pj's. On the drive home Jacob was talking about Daddy and his car and he said, "Him needs to sell his Geo so him can get a Jeep". Both boys were alseep when we got home. Jared and I had popcorn and ice cream as we watched some Lucy episodes.


Anonymous said...

Looks like the boys loved the Christmas store. Cute pictures. I love the one of Adam petting the sheep. Another nice and meaningful time at our traditional live nativity. Nice to all be together for such an enjoyable evening. Wish Vikki, Rody and Kenzie could have been there. So glad you found Adam's mitten. Is your camera working yet. The pictures sure turned out great so I'm glad you can still take them at least. Love ya

Anonymous said...

That picture of Jack smiling is sure adorable. Nice description of our journey to Bethlelhem.

Anonymous said...

mom s left that last message.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures and story. I am glad that there was no mention of Truman's difficulties in this entry. I hope that means he is better -- or maybe even well.

I guess there was not even one minute in these Lucy episodes that got even a smile from Kimmy. These must be the worst of the episodes.

Melissa said...

You sure got a good smiling picture of Jack. Cute pictures. Glad your camera is still taking good pictures.