Saturday, November 15, 2008

Jacob was playing with this chain and called Daddy to show him his letter J.


Fun with the boys.

Adam loved to get up close to Daddy with his goggles on.


Daddy being funny with the vacuum.

Jacob trying to get Daddy's lip unsuctioned.

Adam loved being suctioned by the hose.

Lip (tongue).

Funny stuff.

Lego fun.

The boys love running around in just their towels.

"I am a big boy!"

On goes the diaper.

We were all up around 8:30 this morning. Jacob crawled into our bed. After changing Adam he was really excited to run down to the bedroom and crawl into bed with Daddy. The boys had lots of hugs for Truman. After they ate their breakfast we headed into town for drinks and donuts. Jacob was playing with an airplane and a car as he sat in his car seat. He handed me the airplane so we could pretend they were talking to each other. First his car ask the airplane, “Do you have any answers”. After we left Dunken Donuts we drove past our previous home. Then we went to Salvation Army. We also went to Walmart, Home Depot, and TSC. The boys loved “driving” in the car cart at Home Depot. After a while Jacob asked to get down and walk. Right away Adam asked, “Me Me, Me Me (Me too)?” Adam also held my hand and wanted to walk in the parking lot to the van. At TSC the boy tried out the John Deere ride-on tractors/tricycles. Jacob also tried the battery powered Backhoe. We got home around 12:30. After lunch Adam asked to play with the fire truck playhut by pointing at it and making siren sounds and then saying, "please" with a cute smile. We also got out the tunnel to play with. Then Daddy got out his hardhat and goggles that he’ll be taking on his work trip. Right away Jacob asked to get out his and Adam said, “Me Me, Me Me?” They sure had fun in their hats and goggles. I took lots of pictures because I thought they looked so cute. Daddy and Jacob drove around in their dump truck and backhoe. Then Daddy was playing with the vacuum and gave us all got great laughs. He would put his lip up to the hose and Jacob would push his head back. Adam would try to pull the hose away. It was so funny! Adam then kept wanted to put the hose up to him. I lay Adam down at 3 pm for a nap. Jacob played with legos. Then Daddy and Jacob had fun putting together the map puzzle. Jacob and Daddy made airplanes and landing stations out of the legos. I loved watching them fly their airplanes around. When Daddy would land his at the "landing station" Jacob would fill it up with gas and oil saying, "pump, pump, pump, pump" at many spots on the plane. Then he'd shut the gas tank doors. I flew a plane around but I guess my sounds were right. Jacob said, "let me show you how to make them sounds". I made apple pies for the GA trip. Jacob snacked on pieces of apples. He tasted the crumble top on the pie and said, “um, you sure make good pies”(he doesn't like the pies after their baked). Jared said, “You should have picked up enough apples for 3 pies”. That’s all he had to say and we put one in the oven with plans on picking up more apples tomorrow. Jared and I discussed on whether his Mom had told him to freeze the pies before of after we bake them. I said I thought he had told me she said to freeze them before. Jared said HE KNEW he’d told me she said after, but he’d check anyway. He called her but got no answer. We made a bet – if I was right he’d have to leave and get me a cappuccino, but if he was right he wanted to be called the “Supreme rememberer of things ". He went back to check his work emails. Soon he came out grabbing his wallet and putting on his shoes as he headed out the door. I stopped him and he had to admit that I was right. I’ll be getting my cappuccino tomorrow;) Adam woke up just before dinner was ready. After the boys bath this evening they gave us great laughs as they ran around in just their hooded towels.


Anonymous said...

Funny pictures. Yup...Kimmy's right on the pie thing. Guess you loose some and win some. This time it was Kimmy's turn to win.

Anonymous said...

That's a really good J Jacob made with the chain. I love all the hard hat ya

Anonymous said...

So glad you won the bet. It would be awful calling Jared the Supreme rememberer of things... Enjoy your capachino (sp) Love mom

The Daddy said...

haha hahahaha on jared losing the bet...His head is already big enough we dont need it to get any bigger having to call him Supreme Rememberer of things.

Melissa said...

Wow! That J is very good! Why is it that all three of my kids are afriad of the vaccuum. Even Jack cries whenever we get the vaccuum out now. And your kids love it. That's so funny.

Anonymous said...

Mel, maybe my kids see the vacuum more with my shedding dogs:)
I too am glad I don't have to call Jared the Supreme rememberer of things. And I did get my capuccino yesterday - yummy:)