Monday, November 10, 2008

Playing in the basement.

Adam dancing.

The boys were up around 8am. This morning Jacob handed me a block and said it was a birthday card. He showed me the "money" inside. We left for church soon after 9am. Adam likes pretending he’s sneezing. He’ll say, “ah ah ah ahh too (chew)!” We had pizza rolls at lunchtime. The boys had fun making birthday cards for Kenzie. They also decorated “shopping” bags with stickers. We played “store” using the cash register. Jacob said we were shopping at meijer. Adam napped from 1:30 –3:30. Jacob and I read the bible. Then he played with his cars and cash register while he rested. We left around 4pm and headed over to Mom’s house to celebrate Kenzie’s birthday. On the drive Jacob played with a couple airplanes. He handed me a lizard to play with and wanted it to talk to the airplane. I asked him what his Daddy's name was and what his Mommy's name was. Then he said, "tay, what your airplanes name". When I asked him he said, "airplane Russell". Jared and I laughed and Jacob then said, "you gotta write that down". At Mom's Jared and Dad went down to the basement to play ping pong. Adam and Jacob also went downstairs to play. Jacob was excited when Hailey and Max got there. Adam likes to put the pacifier into Jack’s mouth. Mom made potatoe soup and sloppy jo's for dinner. After dinner Kenzie opened her gifts. She got many nice things. The kids had fun playing with the bows and bags. Then we had cake and ice cream. We took the kids down to the basement to play. Jacob, Hailey, and Max rode around on the ride-on vehicles. Adam had fun playing with the pretend hair care things at the mirror table. He'd put the brush under the facet and then brush his hair. Uncle Bruce gave him a "haircut". Jack sure was talking alot this evening and full of smiles. We got home around 10:30. The boys fell asleep right away in the car and continued sleeping as we moved them into their beds.


Anonymous said...

Wow! You posted this late!

Adam's expressions are too much! He is so intrigued in that first shot -- I suppose he is looking at helium-filled balloons. . .

Anonymous said...

You took great pictures Kimmy. I love all the happy faces. The one of Jared on the girl's laps is so funny. He's a great uncle to Kenzie and a wonderful person. Love Ya!