Sunday, November 23, 2008

Last night this is how I found Truman - keeping my spot warm:) I thought he looked cute.

We were all up shortly after 8am. We left for church soon after 9am. The boys were really excited to go back to their classes at church. Adam really wanted to stay with Jacob in his class. He nodded his head and said, "please". After church we stopped at meijer for a couple things. We got back home around noon. Ate pizza for lunch. Jacob helped me put the snowman on the refridgerator. This afternoon we put up the Christmas tree. Jacob went outside to help Daddy carry the tree into the house. I put in some Christmas music to listen to. The boys were right there watching Daddy get the tree set up. They loved looking at all the pretty ornaments in the boxes. Jacob really enjoyed decorating the tree this year and did a great job. Adam also enjoyed decorating. He thought the ornaments were balls and he'd hit them and say, "ball". He tried to hook the bulbs on the tree but they'd usually fall to the floor. He liked getting ornaments from the box and handing them to Mommy or Daddy. Jacob's favorite was the train ornament set. Adam saw it and said, "choo choo!" They sure loved when we turned on the tree lights. After the tree was all decorated they had fun playing with some beads. We then set up the nativities (mine and the Little People). Around 2:30 I lay Adam down for a nap. Jacob played with the Little People nativity while resting today. Jared had to go to work to scan his homework. He got back around 4:30. Most of the evening was spent making pasties. We made some for the GA trip and then had extras to keep in our freezer. Jacob had fun playing with flour and some blocks. Adam went into Jacob’s room and was carrying out the racetrack and bag of cars. He lifted the racetrack to me saying, “help”. Then he carried the cars with both hands saying, “tars”. After finishing the pasties we went outside to take care of the animals and to look at the Christmas tree lights and window lights from outside. By the time we came inside it was “pj time”.


Anonymous said...

A great picture of the kids playing with beads and MR. SAFETY crawling up on the bar stool decorating the tree waiting for a crash to happen. That was a laughing moment for me and will continue to be when I think of it probably all day. MR SAFETY has his moments. Now it's that long wait thing till the 25 th. See you THIS WEEK.

Anonymous said...

Daddy said at least the stool doesn't have wheels. Yup...that's the one good thing about the picture. And again from Daddy...don't step back to admire your work.

The Daddy said...

I think climbing on the chair with the kids around is a good example of what not to do...wonder how long its before we see pictures of Jacob and Adam standing on a chiar when they shouldn't be just because they say daddy doing the same thing

Anonymous said...

You all look way to close at these pictures... you suppose to look at the foreground and not the background.

Anonymous said...

Come on, give MR SAFETY a break! There was no lead around to inhale and no unsafe chemicals to spill!

I was concerned that you were getting the Christmas tree up so early -- but, then when I thought that you will not be around next week (for VERY GOOD REASONS!) I realized that it was JUST THE RIGHT TIME to get it up.

Anonymous said...

Two trees up and more to come...who will be next? Mr. Safety's socks were one clue among others like little boys I know for another clue. Watch out Bro. D or C. Mr. Safety will have you on the hot seat next. Never fear...
I've been there and there are ways to live through it. One way is just don't listen. Bad ears you know is the real excuse.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Mother of Mr. Safety, I have been on Mr. Safety's hot seat. Believe me! That is the reason I mentioned lead and chemicals; he checks up on safety in my work place. Mr. Safety is relentless.

I am scrambling to get all our glass shop tools outlined in blue tape.

The Daddy said...

Chip...better make sure you have the safty caps on your tools too. I'm sure Mr. Safty will say thats a violation if you dont.

Anonymous said...

I will bring enough blue tape for everyone. That way you'll have a nice clean work area to come into each and every day. And everything will have a place and a place for everything. All 37 pairs of sissors will have a place. And you'll know at the end of the work day if you're missing any. One year into it I really like it, didn't think I would but it's actually quite nice. Not to mention we'll do some lead exposure monitoring while I'm down. And the ergonomic assesment of the fudge making facility. Of course you know what the defn. of Ergonomics is -- It's the study of the obvious. Now I need to go through all of Kimmy's pictures to make sure I'm not in the back ground...not even one little pinky.

Mr. Safety.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the boys are having fun helping with the tree. That's a good thing to have done so you can relax and enjoy it when you get home from your trip. Nice pictures. I didn't even notice Mr. Safety on the stool until I read the comments and went back to look. He's still Mr. Soap Dispenser to me. Love ya!!!

Melissa said...

I was going to say the same thing as mom. I also had to go back and look through all the pictures to find him. Your tree looks nice.

Melissa said...

Thanks for watching Max for me today. He sure was excited to tell about his great time. As soon as he walked throught the door he started talking as he ran to the living room to see me. I think his favorite thing was "playing with Jacob in da dirt, in da house." I'm guessing moon sand. He told me he played with blue dirt.