Thursday, November 06, 2008

He was saying, "Hi Daddy"

The boys are playing with their cranes.

Jacob said this was his chair.

Jacob woke up at 7:30 and Adam was up by 8am. We watched Curious George. I made pancakes for breakfast. Adam didn’t eat much for breakfast. When I picked him up for a hug this morning he said, “drink pease” as he pointed towards the fridge. We watched Clifford. Adam and I were looked at pictures this morning. When I stood up to go get my coffee Adam pointed to the floor and said, “Pease, tit (sit) down”. I turned on some raffi music and Jacob said, "you wanna see my great moves?" We colored at the table as we listened to music. Jacob liked coloring with chalk on construction paper. He’d also had fun pretending the chalk pieces were pipes and his hand was a crane. Adam got the crayons out and had fun dropping them to the floor thru the back of the chair. We got out some remote cars to play with. Jacob also had fun playing with the aqua doodle. Adam got fussy as we neared lunchtime. As I told Jacob that it was almost lunchtime Adam ran to the table, climbed on the chair and said, “nacktime!” After lunch we went outside. We played on the fort and then played in the leaves. Jacob liked taking handfuls of leaves from the piled we’d made before and making his own pile. Adam helped him. Jacob pretended to tow my car as I followed behind him. He’d say, “ok, now were gonna turn left, or we gotta go right”. It 2pm when we came inside and I gave the boys their snack and a drink. Then we read some books. Adam was fussy again. I checked his temp and it was 102.6. I gave him some Tylenol. As I went to the bedroom to get Adam another shirt, I heard Jacob tell Adam, “awh, I will keep an eye on you”. I lay Adam down for a nap at 2:30. I was trimming Jacob’s fingernails when he asked,” This my left hand (holding up his left hand)? This my right hand (holding up his right hand)?” Then he said, “Where’s my wrong hand?” Jacob and I read some books and then played with his cars. He continued playing as he rested. Jared got home from work around 5:30. We went outside to take care of the animals. Jacob sure likes to catch and hold the chickens. Adam woke up shortly after we came back inside. After dinner I told Jared I was "roasting" and was going to sit on the steps outside for a little bit. Jacob looked at me and said, “I’m roasting too, please”. He and I cuddled on the steps for a little while. We looked at the moon and few stars that were out. Jacob spotted an airplane. We noticed that the chicken door was open and went inside to get shoes on. Adam begged to come back out with us. We all took a walk out to the coop. The boys liked petting the chickens. We shut the door and started to head towards the house. Adam wanted to peek in the window at the chickens. After we looked in one window he pointed at the other one saying, “utter un (other one)”. He wanted to look in each window. Then he said, “nigh nigh” to the chickens. Once back inside we spent the rest of the evening with all the lights in the house turned out. I got out Jacob’s bones glow in the dark shirt and a couple light up toys. The boys were so excited. We had fun playing hide and go seek in the dark. Daddy would hide and we’d find him. Then the boys and Daddy hid on me. Daddy made a flashlight from the picture tube, aluminum foil, and the light up necklace. Jacob loved walking around with it. The boys love when we pretend they’re our pillows. Adam sure was laughing hard as I lay my head on his belly saying, "oh, thats a comfy pillow, wait, thats not a pillow, its Adam!" At 8:30 we got the boys in their pj’s and then Jacob lead us down to the bathroom using his flashlight. After reading to Adam I took him to his bedroom where we talk, sing, and pray. As we cuddled on the floor I asked him what song he wanted to sing. He said, “row row row” so we sang row your boat first. Lately, Jacob favorite book is “Peter Rabbit”.


Anonymous said...

Goodness me, you think of so many things to do. Light's out. That's a new one. Never did that. Jacob's letters are perfect. I think he's in Kindergarten right at home. It seems that words are really falling out of Adam's mind at a record pace. I'm taking Doris to the Pop's concert this morning. It's A Taste of New Orlean music.
Eric is loving his drugs.

Anonymous said...

Lovely day. "Lights out" sounds fun! How do your pillows respond when you fluff them up? Is it about time for a couple of more picture pictures?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's been a whole month since I posted picture pictures. Seems like I just posted them. Time flies!

Melissa said...

Love Adam's hair sticking up in the picture of him in the leaves.

Melissa said...

The tree pictures are cute too. Nice chair, Jacob!