Sunday, November 02, 2008

Jacob came down to the bedroom at 8am. We fhad forgotten to set the clocks back so it was actually 7am. Adam woke up soon after that. We headed to church at 9am. Jacob collected eggs after we got home from church. There were a couple big eggs to which he said, “look them monster eggs!” A neighbor stopped by and wanted 8 dozen eggs, we gave him 7 dozen which is all we had. After lunch Daddy played, “catch that mouse (or bunny)". Jacob hides and Daddy sets a trap (his blanket). Then Daddy looks thru the telescope (picture tube) for the mouse. As Jacob runs thru the room, Daddy tries to catch him and wrap him in the blanket. Daddy caught a "little mouse (Adam)" several times too. The boys think its so funny. Adam napped from 3 until almost 6pm. Around 4pm we went outside. Jacob helped me collect all the toys from around the yard and in the barn to put in the container. We hauled some wood from the barn to add to the burn pile. Then we moved the horse’s tank over to their winter paddocks. Jacob helped us carry it. We got it all set up with the the heater. Jared dug out the door so we can shut Sammy in on the cold nights. I enclosed an area in the roosters pen so he can stay warmer. I also set up something for him to roost on. Jacob played with sticks and rode around on his truck. We then moved the horses into their paddocks. Adam woke up so we went back inside for dinner. As we ate dinner Jacob laid his head on my arm and said, “I love you Mommy”. Then he said, “Adam loves you too". He told Adam, "I love Mommy big I can love her” as he reached his arm up as high as he could. We had fun building with the foam blocks this evening. Then the boys enjoyed some ice cream. They also had fun taking separate baths. Adam enjoyed all the space in the tub to himself and did alot of splashing. Jacob and I had fun building with the wet foam blocks. This evening the boys gave Mommy and Daddy some great laughs. They were being really silly. Adam had fun spinning in a circle and falling to the ground. He liked when I sang ring around the rosie as he did this. He'd run pet Kate, climb up by Daddy and then get down and fall to the floor. Jacob asked if we wanted to help him build a drawbridge. We started to build the bridge and he said, “Wait, I have to get the wood”. He then walked over to his cart and scooped up a handful of wood and dumped it by us. We then again started to build and he said, “Wait, I have to get the tools”. When I asked him where the tools were he said, “at my house”. He also told me he had to get my tools at my house and Daddy’s tools from his house. Then we all started building. Adam came over and made some sounds as he moved his arms around. Jacob then climbed onto his backhoe and started digging. He asked if I got hurt and then he was my doctor. We had fun playing London Bridges with the boys. Adam started walking under our bridge but soon decided it was fun to sit in Daddy’s lap and get caught every time. Jacob and I held hands and caught Daddy and Adam in our arms as we sang the song. As I prayed with Adam he folded his hands and said, “ouse (house), dow-dee (Doggie), Bippi (Vikki), Daddy, Mommy, Gee-ub (Jacob)” so we thanked God for all these things. Jacob and I read together as we lay on my bed. He grabbed a couch pillow for each of us. After the boys were in bed Jared and I watched several I Love Lucy episodes. We had popcorn and ice cream.


Anonymous said...

SEVERAL I love Lucy episodes?????

The Daddy said...

Popcorn and Ice Cream..but wheres the POP your supposed to have that also on Sunday nights.

Anonymous said...

Well, Jared did have a pop.

Lucy episodes:
1) The Business Manager: Ricky hires a business manager to straighten out their budget. They get a little monthly allowance, but Lucy can put groceries on credit. She get an idea to buy groceries for all those in their appartment on their credit (so she has extra spending money). I love when she tells Ethel, "I've got more money than I know what to do with". Ricky ends up wining $1000 in the stock market. Lucy has to use her half of the money to pay the grocery bill sincy Ricky fired the manager who she thought would have to pay it.
2) Mertz and Kurtz: Lucy poses as a maid so the Mertz's can impress Fred's former vandevill partner.
3) Lucy Cries Wolf: Lucy wanted reassurance that Ricky would rush to her in an emergency. She cries "wolf" and hides on the ledge out of their appartment window. A neighbor calls and tells Ricky that she's out there.