Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The boys are helping me get the air out of the mattress.

Adam got several hats out of the hat basket and put them on his head. Then he'd pretend to sneeze and push them off his head.

They loved their voting stickers.

Kenzie and Jared left around 6:30am. Adam woke up as they were leaving. I changed his diaper and cuddled with him for a bit. Then I lay him back in his crib. He lay quietly but I don’t think he fell asleep. He started talking loudly at around 7:15. We played in my bedroom. Adam wiggled excitedly as we hid in our closet and called Kate to come find us. He’d really laugh when she would push the door open to find us. Jacob woke up at 8am. We watched Curious George. As I got Adam dressed this morning he started singing “ei-ei-o” so I sang the Old McDonald song. The boys got out the measuring cups and spoon measuring set. Jacob wanted to eat his cheerios in the “GIANT cup (1 cup)”. Adam set his spoon down and tried eating from the 1 tablespoon but he had a hard time getting the cheerios out of it so that didn’t last long. After the boys were dressed and the dogs were fed we watched Clifford. Jacob built a house at the end of the hallway and invited me over to his “house”. Adam came with us. Jacob said, “this is so much fun!” He started driving away but backed up to give me a kiss. Adam copied him. We all played with the little soft cars. Jacob wanted to pretend “Frank” was chasing “Mater” and “Light Queen”. After playing that for a little bit he turned “Frank” to me and said, “look, I’m one of the biggest trucks in the world”. Jacob handed me the paper tube and said, “your queen Mommy”. I held the tube on my head and talked in a silly voice. I asked him lots of questions. When I asked him what his Mommy name was, he said my first and last name. But when I asked him what Daddy’s name was he said, “Daddy Russell”. I wish I could have recorded the things he told me because they were cute. After lunch we colored. Then we went outside to collect eggs and let the chickens out. Jacob was very excited to when he found a green egg. The boys always take handfuls of chicken food and put it on the brick that holds the door open. Lately Jacob wants things in three’s – in his words, “I get three, cause I’m three years old” as he hold up three fingers. He wanted to put three handfuls of food on the brick. We walked over to pet the horses but they wouldn’t come to us. Adam called to them saying, “ausey, ausey!” We walked to a paddock that has a couple sandy areas and played in them. Adam preferred to run around the paddock. We went into the goat/sheep paddock and Maude let Adam and I pet her. She usually runs from us but today she just stomped her feet at us. At around 2pm we headed to vote. The boys were very excited about their “I voted” stickers. When we got back I read to the boys and then lay Adam down for a nap. Jacob then said, “I wanna read three books, cause I’m three years old”. Daddy left work a little early so he could vote before coming home. He got home around 4:30. We played on the floor with cars. Adam woke up around 5pm. We went outside for about an hour until dinnertime. Jacob found a couple little foot long boards. As he drove around he held one in each hand saying they were his lights. He said the front of the boards were his front lights and the backs were his back lights. He’d then hold the boards down to by his sides and say his lights were out. The boys had fun playing in the leaves. Adam sat down in the pile and patted the leaves with his hands. He also liked picking them up and throwing them. During dinner Adam didn't want his bib to cover the voting sticker. After dinner the boys got some M&M’s from their Halloween bucket. They were so excited and sat by Daddy on the couch to eat them. Daddy and Jacob played “catch that mouse”. Adam got pushes on the tricycle. Jacob and I played a matching game. The first game he did so well that I only got one chance to try. The second game he seemed really distracted so we made that our last game. Adam was acting really goofy this evening as he ran around the house. He would pull the cushion partly off the rocker and crack up laughing. Then he’d push it back in only to do it again. He sat up on the rocker and sang, “Rock a bye baby”. It was cute to hear his version.


Melissa said...

Hailey and Max loved their voting stickers too. That's funny that Adam didn't even want his bib coving his.

Anonymous said...

So good to hear that you all voted. Eric did that for the first time this year. It's about time! I certainly don't understand the long build up to voting when you are 38. Good grief. He soon will be 40. That depresses his mother for sure. I don't care how you vote. Just vote. The little kids sound like they are so much fun to play with.