Sunday, November 16, 2008

Daddy sitting on the chair next to Jacob.
More lego fun.

Adam pointed at the landing station and said, "ouse (house)"

Watching the snow.

Making turkey's. I love Adam's expression in this next picture.

Our turkey family. Notice the spurs on Daddy's rooster.

We headed to church around 9am. It had snowed during the night and there was snow on the cars this morning. Jacob tasted some snow. He said, “Its really good, it tastes like ice cream”. Jacob sure enjoys going back to Sunday school. When we picked Adam up from the nursery they told us he sat in one spot until about 2 minutes before we’d gotten there. He looked at books and played with puzzles the entire time. After church I went into meijer for a couple thing. Jared took the boys for a drive to see the smashed cars at the auto shop. Jacob wanted to take another drive by them to show me the smashed car. He said, “The lights pushed back into the radio (radiator)”. We made pizza for lunch. After lunch the boys played with the fire truck and tunnel. Jacob set up their little chairs behind the steering wheel. He and Adam sat in them. Jacob told me Adam was his co-pilot. It started snowing again outside. It was so pretty. We went outside to enjoy the snow. The boys stuck out their tongues to catch the snowflakes. Jared cut a hole behind the little door to the coop. I used the wagon to hall bales of hay over by the horses stalls. Jacob said, “I wanna tend (pretend) it’s a hayride”. He sat on top of the hay bale and I pulled him around. Adam said, “Me Me”. I set Adam up there and Jacob hung onto him as I pulled them around the barn. They sure loved the "hayride". We went back inside around 3pm. The boys had a snack and I made hot chocolate. Daddy and Jacob went back outside to take the trash down the road. Adam heard the tractor and ran to the window to watch. I read to Adam and tucked him in for a nap. Then Jacob and I read together. Jacob played with lego's while he rested today. Jared and I had pie and watched a Lucy episode. One of my favorite episodes when Lucy gets a driving lesson in their new car. I just love the part when Lucy's explaining to Ethel how the old catillac got hooked onto the back of the new pontiac. Jacob came to cuddle on the couch with us. We went outside to take care of the animals and the ground was covered in some icy snow. Adam woke up shortly after 6pm. During dinner Jacob said, “I’m gonna give you a major hug” as he gave me a really big hug. This evening we traced the boys and our hands and feet to make turkeys. While the boys played we cut out many hand and feet prints. Then we all had fun gluing them together. Jacob ran around the house with his turkey saying, “gobble, gobble, gobble”. By the time we were finished with the turkey’s it was “pj time”. After the boy were done brushing their teeth they ran around chasing and tickling each other. Then we read together and tucked them in bed.


Anonymous said...

Kimmy, thanks for the Lucy bit.

I am a little confused about what "the boys" means. "The boys played in the fire truck" -- and there is Jared in the photos playing with them. "The boys caught snow on their tongues" -- was Jared catching snow, too?

Would "the girl" play in the fire truck or catch snow on her tongue if she were not taking photos of "the boys"?

Anonymous said...

Yes, "the girl(me)" played in the fire truck and tunnel, caught snow with my tongue, and still I was able to get some pictures:)

Melissa said...

Love the turkeys. Very cute.

Anonymous said...

Good, Kimmy. I am glad you get to play, too!

Anonymous said...

Hi Love, aka "the Girl". You're so funny. Great pictures. Alabama is 60 degress and not a cloud in the sky... Long days ahead for the rest of the week. I'll call you tonight. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Jared would have to send you the temperature and so the rest of us could see it too. Just got home and it sure is cold outside here.
Trying not to be envious of Jared.
I love the turkeys you all made. Such a cute turkey family it makes.
They turned out so colorful and cute. Love ya