Friday, November 21, 2008

Hay for the goats/sheep.

In the goat/sheep paddock.

Feeling the cold water - burr.

Taking Nana her mail.

Kenzie is going thru the toysrus magazine and circling things she wants for Christmas.

The kids woke up around 8am. We had waffles for breakfast. As I was getting breakfast ready I asked Adam to carry the peanut butter to the counter for me. He shrugged his shoulders and said, “No”. I said, “Ok, I got it”. He quickly reached up and said, “I got it”. Jacob wanted juice during breakfast this morning. When I told him his choices were milk or water he said, “Milk, cause that makes me strong so I can carry heavy sings (things)”. Kenzie then said, “Jacob and I are going to work out today”. Jacob looked at the window where our hand/feet turkey’s are hung and said, “Kenzie don’t have a turkey”. I asked Kenzie if she wanted to make one. She did, so I got out the art box. Jacob had fun putting stickers on a piece of paper and Adam colored while Kenzie made her turkey. Kenzie's turkey turned out really cute. She also added a comb and toenails to her turkey. After she was finished she wanted to hang it right next to Uncle Jared’s turkey. The kids helped me clean up the house and then we went outside to take care of the animals. Kenzie collected lots of eggs. We left for Mom’s house at 11:00. I asked Kenzie what time her bus was coming to pick her up and she said 12:35. Since we had plenty of time, I stopped at Speedway for a cappuccino. I had some free coupons that Kenzie used to get herself a sandwich and a slurpie. We got to Mom’s house at 11:45. Mom said the bus came at 11:35 and Kenzie’s school started at 12:10. Guess I should have called. We got to her school at 12:05. From there we headed over to Target. Mom had a 1:15 doctor’s appointment so we went with her to that. The lady in the cafeteria gave the boys each a turkey cookie. In the waiting room Jacob and I had fun reading a “Highlights High Five” magazine. He really loved this magazine and especially enjoyed the bat finger play page. (We did the bat finger play over and over. So you’d think I could remember the words when Jacob asked me to do it with him tonight – no. I tried to make up my own words but Jacob knew it wasn’t right). On the way back to Mom’s house we stopped at a jewelers so Mom could get another link to her bracelet. Around 2:30 I lay Adam down for a nap. At 3pm he’d been really quiet so I peeked in the room and found him sitting up in the playpen. Mom went in there and patted him on the back – she had him to sleep within minutes. Jacob and I watched Curious George. We went outside to watch Kenzie arrive on the school bus. It wasn’t coming yet so we took the mail in to Nana. Jacob liked racing me up to the house. When we saw the bus coming Jacob wanted to hide on Kenzie. Adam woke up around 4:30. He pointed at the basement stairs and said, “downstair” and then gave me a big smile. I took him downstairs to play. Kenzie and Jacob also came down. The boys had fun chasing Kenzie around. Adam also loved pushing the baby in the stroller. We ate dinner. On the way home we stopped at Salvation army. There was a talking Elmo that Adam played with as we walked thru the store. He put his arm around it and said, “Hi Elmo”. We got home around 7pm. Kenzie brought a chicken inside for a while. Jacob tipped over the kitchen chair and said he was making a barn for the chicken. Then Kenzie worked on homework. After the boys were tucked in bed Kenzie and I made ice cream shakes.


Anonymous said...

Great outdoor pictures. Snow! The barn is a wonderful place to play. I'm sure JB knows exactly why I love the blog. It's like I'm listening in on the party line telephone. All you young whippersnappers wouldn't know anything about that. Both boys look so big in their light tan jackets. Adams hat is the best.

Anonymous said...

I just mentioned to Kimmy that I liked that she had this blog as it helped to feel a little closer than 900 miles. Funny to read your similar comment. By the way we know all about party lines due to the many I Love Lucy episodes. There was an episode that had a scene around the party line.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see what Lucy stories we will see in Georgia. But...I guess I'll need to wait a few more days. NOT many, come to think of it. I need to start thinking Georgia and what to bring.