Saturday, November 01, 2008

This is how I found Adam this morning.

Jacob came to lay in our bed around 8am. He lay there between us until Adam woke up. We left for drinks and donuts soon after 9am. Today we ate inside Dunken Donuts. A couple girls(2 and 5 yrs old) came to our table and sat with us while their Mom waited in line. We also stopped at Salvation army and Goodwill. It was around 11am when we got home. We let the hens out of the coop and Jacob collected eggs. Adam grabbed a handful of hay and tried to get the chickens to eat it. I lifted him up and he threw it in with the goats. We went back in the barn and found Jacob and Daddy at the top of the hay. Adam wanted to climb up there too. He climbed up as far as he could and then I lifted him up to Daddy. Jacob was excited to be able to touch the ceiling of the barn. He liked hiding in the hay and having me find them. We went for a walk on the trail in our woods. Jacob carried a big stick and said it was his, “cutter/digger sing (thing)”. He showed us how it worked. We went inside for lunch. After lunch the boys emptied their Halloween baskets onto the floor. Daddy helped them sort their candy. Adam napped from 2:00 until 5:30. Jacob also took a nap from 3-5:30. Jared tilled the garden. After Adam woke up we sat in his bedroom and had fun playing with the humidifier. The boys were acting so goofy playing with the mist. Jacob then asked to play “campground”. He said, “Campgrounds have real-lee big school bus campers”. Then he said, “I’m gonna build a school bus camper, I’m gonna build a real-ee BIG school bus camper” as he stood on his toes with his arms as high as he could get them. He said, “you wanna watch me build it?" Then he took my hand and led me to the kitchen. After he built it he drove it around the house. Then he said, “now you wanna watch me build a real-ee big ore boat?” This evening Jacob built a “playground” out of counter and table chairs, slide, little table and other toys. He asked me if I wanted to come play at his playground. We sat on the stools and pretended they were swings. Adam also sat on a stool. Then we pretended the chairs were a train. We had fun playing hide-and-seek with the boys. Daddy and the boys would hide and then I’d find them. Adam is so still and quiet when he hides. While I read to Jacob he likes to have me stop and let him read all the parts he has memorized. This evening he wanted to run and tell Daddy the parts he has memorized.


Melissa said...

I love the picture that shows how you found Adam in the morning. He's so cute.