Saturday, November 22, 2008

This morning we all slept in. Jacob came down to our bedroom around 9:15. We headed into town for drinks and donuts around 10:15. They were having the Christmas parade so we got out to watch it. It was a cold day (around 25 degrees). The boys had fun collecting candy and watching the parade. People from our church were handing out hot chocolate so we got some warm drinks. Adam was acting really funny as he ran around in circles. After going to Tim Horton’s and Dunken Donuts we walked around Salvation Army and Goodwill. As we walked into Goodwill Adam pointed at the Pet Store and said, “Meow!” Then he smiled really big. He wanted to go visit the cats and other pets so we went there next. After Adam looked at the bunnies and guinea pigs he pointed towards the fish tanks and said, “Fish!” He loved watching the turtles. As he pointed at them he laughed and said, “Mommy” calling me to come look at them. We got home around 1:30. Jacob made a big “house” in the kitchen. He tipped all the chairs sideways and set some little chairs between the legs of the chair. The boys sat in the chairs and pretended they were in the garage. I was moving laundry into the dryer and treating stains when Jacob came into the bathroom and made a bed on the floor. Then Daddy and Jacob played with the barn at the counter. I read some books to Adam and then lay him down for a late nap. He slept from around 4-6pm. Now when I take him to his bedroom for naptime or bedtime or when its time to get his coat and shoes on he screams. It doesn’t last more than a few seconds. Jacob and I read some books and played with the barn. He continued playing with the barn and animals while he rested. Jacob sat at the counter as I made an apple pie. He picked out an apple and said, “I want three pieces, cause I three years old.” He also tasted the cinnamon and brown sugar. Once Adam was awake we headed into town to eat dinner at fazoli’s. After getting Adam out of the van I set him down and he quickly grabbed my fingers tight. Daddy and Jacob were running and Adam ran as quickly as he could. Jacob laughed and said, “We ran fast”. Adam said, “fast”. We had a nice dinner. Jacob was really excited and talking a lot and loudly. Jacob walked with me to get some breadsticks and said, “You wanna see jumbo steps”. Then he walked slow taking giant steps. We got home around 8pm. While I gave Adam a bath Daddy and Jacob played with legos. Daddy came in and stuck his tongue out at Adam. Adam also stuck out his tongue and was acting silly. Then Jacob took a bath while Adam played with Daddy. The boys were in bed shortly after 9pm.


Anonymous said...

The 18 month pictures are really interesting. Hair, eyes, shape of face. One is JB and the other is Grandpa R. No doubt about it. Just a few more sleeps. Yahoo. Off to church soon. It's hospitality time. Lots of things from Panara but I think we'll need to hit the freezer for the Starbucks stash. Our folks eat anything and a lot of it. A few community folks come. I would imagine that some have a place to sleep but no food. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

I am glad to read that the "other boy" is home and playing with the younger boys. Now Kimmy has all her boys back in the nest!

Melissa said...

Great bath pictures.