Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Adam is pointing at Jacob who is being silly.

The boys pulling the cooler around.

This morning Jacob woke up at 8:30 and Adam slept until 9am. After watching Clifford I did some packing for our trip. Jacob played with playdoh. Adam ran around playing with toys. Around 12:30 we went to the library. We got some dvds and some books. After picking out some books we sat at the table to read. Then the boys had fun playing on the train table. We then went to Salvation army. We got back home around 3pm. The boys played for a little while and then I read to Adam and lay him down for a nap. He talked loudly for a while and then finally fell asleep around 4:30. Jared came home around 5pm. I packed the car. Jared tried to get the furnace started but the pilot light wouldn't light. He went to the store and took Jacob with him. I took car of the animals and got a stall ready for our dogs. I was just finishing up when they came back. Jared was able to fix the furnace. Jacob watched him the entire time. He wore my headlamp. I woke Adam up around 6:30 and we ate dinner. Jared went to sleep around 8pm. All day today Jacob's been really excited about our GA trip. He's been saying, "when are we going to Georgia, or I wanna go to Georgia". When I asked him what he wanted to do in Georgia he said, "play with Grandma!" The boys played in the bath tub for a long time this evening. Then they had fun running around in their towels. Well, now I'm going to get to bed - we wake up in about one and a half hours. See some of you soon!


The Daddy said...

Did the world just end in Michigan..Jared lit the furance? Wonder why it wouldnt' lite ohhh probably because it hasn't been run in what 2 years!! whats a matter didn't want to come home to a frozen house with frozen water pipes?

Melissa said...

Cute pictures of the boys in their towels.

Anonymous said...

cute towel pictures of the boys by the tree. Love ya!

The Daddy said...

wow kimmy I would have thought you would have the weekend blog pictures and stories up by now! Are you slipping in your OLD age??

Anonymous said...

OLD age? You'd better check again:) Though I still need to add a few pictures to see if anyone knows how those pictures got on my camera.

The Daddy said...

Pictures...I have NO idea what you are talking about. I think Jared took those pictures and is blaming me for them