Saturday, November 22, 2008

I went to bed really late last night(4:30am). After finishing the blog I check thru Kenzie's school work and realized she'd guessed on all her answers. All this work she claimed was all from last semester or was copies(I knew it wasn't). Anyway, I stayed up to look thru the book and write down the page numbers for me to use if she needed help in the morning. I set the alarm for 5:30 and woke up Kenzie. I didn't tell her the time:) After she was done eating breakfast and getting ready for school I told her we had some work to do. I sat next to her and watched her search for the answers and helped her when she needed it. Mom came at 7am. She waited as we finished up. The boys woke up around 8am. I got out the basket of stuffed animals and found the "Tickle Me Elmo" to give to Adam. He loved playing with him. Jacob played at the counter with his barns and tractors. He gave Adam a tractor to play with. Adam pushed that little tractor all over. Then he went into his bedroom to play with his Little people barn and things. When I went in to check on him he asked me to play with him and handed me a people. This afternoon we headed to Mom's house, stopping at a couple stores on the way. We got to Mom's at around 2:30. I lay Adam down for a nap. Nana patted his back and put him to sleep. Jacob and I lay down and also took a nap. This evening Teresa (family friend, more like a sister) and her family came over for dinner. She and her family live in Vietnam so we haven't her in years. Mel and her family also came over. Teresa gave the kids dragon flies that balance on your finger. After dinner we took the kids downstair to play in the basement. We ate dessert down there - ice cream and pie. Teresa's kids loved the ice cream which they don't get in Vietnam. Adam sat at the big table and ate peach pie and ice cream. It was a wonderful evening visiting together and playing with the kids. I lay Adam down in the playpen at 9:30. The other kids watched Charolett's Web. We didn't get home until around 11:30. Jared came home around 12am. Jacob came running out of his bedroom when he heard the dogs barking and he greeted Daddy at the door. Adam was also awake so I let him come out and see Daddy.


Anonymous said...

It was a fun family evening wasn't it. So nice to have Teresa and family get together with us. Glad Jared is home safe and sound. Nice that the boys got to greet him too. I bet that made daddy really happy. Love ya!!!