Monday, November 17, 2008

Jacob cars are on lifts at the auto shop.

The boys woke up around 8:30am. Jacob asked, “Where’s Daddy?” I told him he was flying on an airplane to get to work today. Jacob started to cry and said, “But he can just drive a car”. I told him Daddy was working far away and that he could get to work a lot faster on an airplane because he didn’t have to stop for red lights and he could fly right over buildings. He thought that was neat. Lately, Adam likes to act like he doesn’t want me to get him out of his crib in the morning. But when I put my hands down and say, “ok” he quickly lifts his arms to me. The boys had French toast sticks for breakfast and loved them. I sat on the couch with my coffee to watch Clifford. Jacob was standing near the couch and I asked him to come sit by me. Adam quickly ran over yelling to get the spot next to me. I moved over to sit in the middle of them. After the boys were dressed and ready for the day we played with the fire truck playhut. Jacob said he was using it to build a house. Adam crawled into it saying, “ouse”. Jacob asked to play the Clifford game on the computer. I said, “Yes, let me just get it up for you”. Jacob replied, “Just go to PBS kids”. We played a few games on there. He’s getting better at controlling the mouse. Then we checked out our webkinz and played a few games on there. After lunch I put in some Raffi music to listen to. The kids love dancing to the music. It’s started snowing a lot outside and it was so beautiful. We went outside to collect eggs. Jacob loved opening the door and watching the hens run out. We gave the horses some hay and checked for eggs in the hay area. I found a spot where the hens have been hiding their eggs – Jacob and I pulled out 25 eggs. The boys helped me carry hay to the goats. Jacob caught Betty (the chicken). We kicked the ball around and the chickens liked chasing it. The snow had stopped when we came outside, but now it started back up again. Adam stuck his hands up in the air to try and catch the snow. Jacob said his hands were cold and that he needed hot chocolate. We came inside around snack time. After reading to Adam I took him to his bedroom and sat down to sing with him. He always asks to sit in his Elmo chair. Jacob also came in to sing with us. The boy’s love singing the “shake my sillies out” song and doing the motions to it. While Adam was napping, Jacob and I had fun making hand turkey’s. I painted Jacob hand, palm and thumb brown, and then he chose colors for his other fingers. Then we put his handprint on the paper. He loved the paint on his hand and wanted to do another one. They turned out cute. Jacob had fun cutting and pasting papers onto my drawn hand turkey. We then read some books. He played with cars and blocks while resting today. When Daddy called Jacob wanted to talk to him and answered the phone. Adam woke up at 5:30. After dinner we headed into town to pick up an order that had arrived at Walmart. First we stopped at Speedway for gas. We went inside to get a coffee and I got the boys M&M’s. The parking lot at Walmart was very icy. After picking up our order we walked thru the toys. I was a little worried to drive home with the icy roads. Jacob said, “It ok Mommy, God will protect us”. He fell asleep on the drive home but woke up as I carried him inside. After the boys were dressed for bed they ran around for a little while. Daddy called just after I’d tucked Adam in bed. Jacob was really excited to talk to him on speakerphone.


Anonymous said...

The chickens coming out of the house and out on the lawn are great. Does Jacob count them leaving through the little door. And snow...Wow...we've seen a flake or two but really had to look carefully for them. Twenty five eggs. Hope you didn't take a chance on eating them. I hope the week goes quickly for you and JB is back home. Then...not to many sleeps before we see you all. Yahoo.

Anonymous said...

Hi Love,

It's nice and warm here with lots of sunshine. Miss you! Thanks for posting all the pictures...

Melissa said...

Wow, Jacob sure looks tall in those pictures with the chickens. And I like the picture of the cat with the snowflakes all over him.

Anonymous said...

I love the outdoor pictures. Jacob's hat is so cute. Such happy faces on the boys. The kitty looks cute too. In the one picture it looks like Adam is trying to catch a snowflake with his mouth only I don't see any snowflakes. Love ya

Anonymous said...

Hi Love,

It's nice and COLD here with some sunshine. I miss you MORE! I love you!