Monday, March 31, 2008

The boys woke up around 8am. Had breakfast and watched Clifford. Got the Little People stuff out to play with. I read Jacob a book and then he asked to get out the blocks. Adam had a really messy diaper so I put both boys in the tub. They both had fun playing with their tub toys. After I washed Adam he was ready to get out. I dried him off and he walked around the bathroom naked. He loved walking around naked. He’d go from the tub to see Jacob, to the mirror and then over by the sink. He reached his hand up to ask for his toothbrush. Then he went back over to the tub and peed on the floor and towels. After lunch Jacob wanted to play with his rice. Adam practiced walking. He walked from the dishwasher in the kitchen to the toy box and then over to the couch. He fell down and then got up from the floor and started walking into the kitchen. Jacob wanted me to sit by him and play the piano. Adam heard us playing and came over to play too. Jacob likes to open the music book to the alphabet song. It was a very rainy day. Adam took a nap and Jacob rested. I sat next to him and read a book. He played with his cars and looked at his bible. Then we went outside to take care of the animals. It was raining out so I got Jacob's raincoat and boots on. He walked right through the large puddles in the driveway. We fed the animals and then Jacob played in the puddles with Truman. We found a stick in the yard and he would throw it into the puddle telling Truman to get it. Then he'd run back and forth through the puddles. Jared and Kenzie came home just after we got inside. After dinner we left to go look at some vans. We test drove one that we really like. Stopped at meijer for some ice cream which we had when we got home.


The Daddy said...

Running through the big puddles..dont you know kimmy Jacob was trying out for the olympics (long jump) and didn't make it! Another Jared story from when he would run through the puddles when he was little.

Melissa said...

Cute bathtub pictures.