Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jacob came down to the bedroom at 9:30. He talked about the fun time he had yesterday and said, “Me want Lailey, Mack, Booce, Meme, Kennie, Nana, Papa, Gampa come tee me gain – in car”. He went down to Adam’s room and played peek-a-boo with him. Adam was laughing. While I was changing Adam’s diaper this morning he grabbed his feet and made them clap. He loves when I play “this little piggy”. Jacob played with his rice this morning and got his bowls out of the cupboard to play with. Adam was pushing a stool all over in the kitchen. He has learned how to turn whatever he is pushing. Saw a dead bunny out the back door. When I was talking to Jared at lunchtime he said if I had time I could paint the door to the chicken coop. I thought that sounded like fun and it was nice outside so while Adam was napping Jacob and I went outside to paint. I brought him out a paintbrush (or as he calls it “toothbrush”) and bucket with some water in it. He wanted to “paint” his truck. I noticed the old door leaning up against the chicken coop so I set things up over there. I painted the door white and Jacob said, “uh oh, ewe forgot red paint, we gotta go get it”. The door was rotting and falling apart and I almost called Jared to ask him why we didn’t just get some wood and build a new door but I decided just to paint it. I should have called Jared because when he came home he told me that the new door he had built was in his workshop. Jacob asked to go look at the dead bunny. I got out some bubbles and sat on the porch and blew them for Jacob. He ran around trying to pop them. Jacob played with his cars and blocks and I read a book. Adam woke up shortly after Jared came home. Jacob and I went outside to paint the new door. We painted this one red. Jacob played with his tractor in the dirt and blew bubbles. Then he found a long, thin piece of cardboard and pretended he was fishing. We took care of the animals. After dinner we went to Home Depot to look at wood to replace the wood around our chicken coop. Jacob and Adam sat next to each other in a car cart. They each had their own steering wheels. Jacob was so sweet with Adam and put his arm around him. He pulled him closer and just hugged him for a while. I wished I had my camera – it was really cute. He’s been really cuddly with him (and me) and wants to sit by me and rub his head while I’m nursing him. We went to PetSmart to have our aquarium water tested because two more fish died. They recommended aquarium salt. Adam LOVES when we stop to look at the parakeets. We got home around 8:30. Jacob likes to get his stool and stand at the counter to eat his snack. Adam took the coins from his pig bank and put them under the seat to his ride on truck. Watched American Idol.


Melissa said...

I love how Jacob said he wanted us all to come see him again and how he said all of our names. He's so sweet. Thanks for having us all over. We had a nice time. I love all the pictures too.

Anonymous said...

Old door...White door. I think it was before you were born...a song about what's behind the green door. It seems there is always something new going on at your house. That Adam needs to get to walking. He just doesn't know he knows how. Now just wasn't that nice that JB didn't tell you about the NEW door. See you soon. Just a few more sleeps. Yahoo! Oops. I hope JB said something.

Anonymous said...

We should have a lot of baby chicks here when you come and hopefully a red chicken coop. We are looking forward to your visit. Jared did mention something about fixing the door on the chicken coop, but I missed him saying he was replacing it. I guess I also missed him telling me I could paint the door IN HIS WORKSHOP. Oh well Jacob and I had fun both times.

The Daddy said...

Wonder if Jared got my little project done that kat and I asked to have made?? So instead of a huge white chicken coop your going to have a huge red chicken coop/house sounds cool

The Daddy said...

Kimmy it was supposed to be painted White too!

Anonymous said...

I know he mentioned your project the other day. Not sure how he's coming on it though. Maybe he can get it done and send it home with your parents.

The Daddy said...

that would be cool....just one more thing for you to paint too! :-)