Saturday, March 15, 2008

Friday August 14, 2008

Today we meet Daddy at McDonalds for lunch. We meet there at 11:15 to beat the lunch rush. Jacob was so excited to go. Jared and I tried their chicken ceaser salads which were really good. The boys had grilled cheese. Jacob doesn't really care for the fries. Adam tried one of his fries and liked it. After Jacob was done eating he went to play. He won't go up high but loves to play down low. Daddy went back to work and the boys and I went to Salvation army. Got "The Grouchy ladybug" book, a Bob the Builder video, and a Tonka ride on/push dump truck all for $5. Then we went to Nana's house. The boys were happy to see Nana and also excited when they saw Aunt Missy, Hailey, and Max were there. The kids had fun playing together. They especially liked playing with the piano. When it was naptime Adam fought taking a nap. At home he is the perfect sleeper. I lay him in his crib and he puts himself to sleep for naps and bedtime without a fuss. When Jacob was his age he would sleep just as well away from home as he did at home, but I worked and he was used to sleeping elsewhere. Adam only goes to sleep well at home. I rocked him and he did fall asleep. Mom brought Kenzie home from school and then her and Dad left to go to their CMA thing. Bruce came to pick up Max. Mel got Hailey ready to take her to her dance class. I woke up Adam and we had an early dinner before taking Kenzie to her vollyball game which started at 6pm. It was a nice day outside (low 50's and sunny). We had a lot of fun at Kenzie's game and she played really well. Stopped at Mel's house on the way home to see if Jared could help Bruce move their couch. They are getting new carpet installed. Got home around 8pm. Jacob rode the tonka dump truck and Kenzie rode the tractor around the house. As Jacob drove off he said, "Tee you later Mommy, I going to Copper Harbor". The kids had fun watching Kenzie's air matress blow up. They like to put things on it like the soccer ball, and watch it go up. They played with the rice until bedtime. Adam had fun pushing around the tonka truck. Kenzie read Jacob his bedtime stories and they slept together on the mattress. Before I went to bed I move Jacob onto his bed. He had pushed Kenzie off the bed.