Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Kenzie woke up shortly after 8am. She played with the dogs on our bed. She is staying with us until Saturday for her spring break. Soon Adam woke up. We sat on the couch and looked out the window. Jacob was excited to find that Kenzie was still here when he woke up. She played zoo tycoon and he wanted to sit on the stool by her while she played. Adam is walking around like a pro now. Now he will let me stand him up without being near anything to hang on to. I just love watching him walk all around the house as he explores. Kenzie went outside to visit her chicks. When she came back in her and Jacob played with the rice. She made me a pie. Jacob found a ladybug and put it in the rice to crawl around. Then Kenzie got dog food and wanted to make Truman do tricks. She likes to pretend she's a dog trainer and put on a show. Jacob (and Adam) was her assistant. Then she took Truman outside to play in the water. Truman was very wet and muddy when she brought him back in. Kenzie dried him off. After a while I noticed that Truman was still sitting by the back door looking like he was in trouble. He had a little mud on his back legs so I cleaned him off. He still wouldn't come in until I encouraged some more. Kenzie, Jacob and I played a couple games of Jenga. Then we got out art stuff and sat at the table to color. After lunch Kenzie and Jacob asked to bring out the air mattress and watch the Cars movie. Adam had fun crawling back and forth over the air mattress. When the beginning Cars song came on Adam climbed up on the mattress, sat on his knees and danced for the entire song, bouncing and moving his arms. Jacob played on the couch with his tractors and cars while the movie was on. Adam took a nap and Jacob took a short rest. Then Kenzie, Jacob and I went outside. It was cold and very windy outside today. Kenzie moved some bales of hay around so Jacob could climb up. Kenzie helped me brush Sammy and then I saddled him up for her to ride in the barn. She really enjoyed riding him. I remember back when she was 3 years old and would ride him all by herself in the arena. We put Jacob up with her to ride. He was a little nervous at first but really enjoyed the ride after we taught him how to make Sammy stop or go by his voice commands. Kenzie then asked if she could ride him bareback. I took off the saddle but she was ready for me to put it back on after a couple laps. After she was done riding we fed the animals. A couple of the goats were rearing up at her and Maude stomped at her. We went in the chicken coop to play with the layers. Inside I made some hot chocolate and coffee to help us warm up. The dogs started barking and I said to Kenzie, "Uncle Jared's home". Jacob then kept saying, "Uncle Jared's home, Uncle Jared's home". Kenzie got out the blocks and wanted to play what she calls "copy cat". We build the same thing and see who's falls first. We had sloppy joe's for dinner. Adam did too and really liked it. Jacob lately really likes to walk backwards. He'll walk backwards all the way to the bathroom toilet saying, "I walking backwards". We had to go to TSC for wood pellets for our corn burner and also needed another waterer for the broilers. Kenzie liked sitting on top of the 7 big bags of pellets as Uncle Jared pushed her really fast to the car. Got home at 8pm just in time to watch American Idol. Jacob played with his rice and Kenzie and Adam played with the blocks. Adam likes to pick up blocks and hand them to one of us. Kenzie likes to run and slide on her feet in our kitchen. Tonight Jacob would say, "I lide on dat hard floor" as he push his feet apart or fall to one knee and try to slide. Kenzie hide behide the air mattress and really scared Jacob. Jacob thought it was so funny he jumped around in circles saying, "Ewe cared me Kennie, ewe cared me". Then he wanted to hide behind it and scared us.


Anonymous said...

Man that was a long one...but I read the whole thing. LOL
I am so happy that Kenzie got to ride Sam. Its been a long time.
I was just thinking, can you imagine if we had a aunt and uncle when we were Kenzies age, that would let us spend spring break with them, that had as much fun things as you guys have. Wouldnt that have been great? I would have felt soooooo lucky!
Love you, and thanks for showing Kenzie such a fun childhood.

Anonymous said...

We should sometime saddle Sammy up and have Kenzie show Hailey and Max how she rides him. Maybe Hailey would give it a try after seeing Kenzie ride. And they might like it better with a saddle too. That's neat that Jacob rode him. Did you get videos?