Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Adam woke up at 5:30 to nurse and then both boys slept in until 9am. We ate breakfast, got dressed and watched Sesame Street. Jacob loves to watch me feed the fish in the morning. He was giggling the whole time as we watched them eat and he would say, "now yellow fish, now black fish". I gave Jacob a haircut this morning and he never complain once. He just sat at the table and played with his cars. While I was nursing Adam Jacob got out his kids encyclopedia books. He put four of them on the floor and was excited to show me that he had arranged his books in the shape of a square. He pointed and said, "look Mommy, I made a square". For lunch Adam ate green beans and apples. If he didn't want a bite of the veggies he'd shake his head no (keeping his mouth shut) and reach his hand for the fruit. Then I'd give him a spoonful of fruit and he'd open wide. Green beans seem to be his least favorite veggie though he still eats them pretty good. Jacob and I had fun driving our "tractor" (stools) this afternoon. Adam came and sat on my lap to play with us. We had lots of fun. Jacob pretended we were halling corn and we carried buckets of corn to dump in our trailer. My Dad and a guy from his church came by for a short visit. They took me by suprise as my Dad walked in the door saying "is anyone home". I didn't know who was just walking in the house. Jacob was really excited to see Papa and showed him the fish. They couldn't stay long because Dad was working. Adam seems to be trying to get in the standing position from a crawling position. He gets on his hands and feet with his knees bent and looks like he's trying to get up. Also today he will be crawling and then just plop onto his belly with his arms and legs spread out and his head on the floor. He smiles and loves when I come over and tickle his sides. Adam was very tired and took a 3hr nap. Jacob layed in his bed and rested while looking at books. I got him up and asked him if he wanted to help me feed the animals. We bundled up to go outside. Jacob put his mittens on by himself. It felt really nice outside (low thirtys and sunny). The driveway was very icy. Jacob and I took hands as we walked to the barn and we almost fell several times. Sammy was in his stall waiting for his grain. Jacob said, "I wanna help feed Sammy". He gave him and scoop of grain and then patted him his head saying, "good boy Sammy". He played on the tractor while I watered Nutmeg. We then fed the sheep and the goats and then the cats. As we walked back to the house Jacob fell on his butt and said, "ough, I hurt me butt". He decided it was best to hold my hand. Took the dogs inside and cleaned them off - they were muddy. Then Jacob wanted to go back outside and play. We went outside until Adam woke up. Adam sat at the table with us and munched on cheerios while Jacob had a hot chocolate. He said, "I have hot chocolate milk, Mommy have coffee". When Daddy got home we had dinner and then headed into town. Walked around the mall. Took the kids in the kids section of Barnes and Noble and Jacob went right over to the train table. Then we walked over to Sears to look at their lawn mower tractors. Before leaving we stopped to let the boys play. Jacob ran around with this tall 5yr old boy. Jacob would stop to rub the little toddlers on their heads or backs. Adam had fun crawling all over. He especially liked crawling back and forth over the handle of the big toothbrush. A lady knelt by Adam and talked to him. He smiled at her and then crawled really fast over to me. We made it home by 8pm when American Idol started. Daddy played cars with Jacob at the counter (one of his favorite places to play). Adam cuddled in the chair with me. I nursed him and read him his bedtime story, cuddled with him a little longer and then tucked him in bed. I took Jacob to brush his teeth and Daddy read to him. Then I tucked him in and we said a prayer. He now prays that Daddy, Jacob and Adam don't get sick. Today we started the boys their own savings accout at our bank. The bank has a savingzone kids club and the each time the boys put money in their account they get a stamp. A certain number of stamps gets them a prize.


Anonymous said...

Cute hair Jacob. YOu look so handsome!!! I love you! You too Adam.

Anonymous said...

Jacob's haircut looks cute. He sure looks older with it cut. Loved reading about all the adventures at your house. Sounds like so much fun. So funny how Jacob prays now that no one gets sick. Adam is looking older now too. They sure are handsome boys. Love ya! xoxoxo

Melissa said...

That's neat what your bank does with the kids club. I love Jacob's haircut. It sure does make him look older.