Friday, March 07, 2008

Adam had a hard time falling back to sleep this morning. Jacob heard him and woke up at 6:30. Adam fell back to sleep around 7am and slept until 8:15. Around 7am I invited Jacob to come lay in our bedroom. When I went to get dressed this morning Jacob pointed to my blue robe and said, "Mommy wear blue dress". I put it on and he said, "dat make Mommy feel all warm". While we were watching Clifford this morning Adam went over to the glider stool and lay his head on it. He layed like that watching Clifford for a couple minutes and it was so cute. We stopped at Salvation army on our way to Mom's. Right from Mom's house we left to got to McDonalds. Jacob was so excited. Mom treated us to lunch. Adam had some little bites of my grilled cheese and Jacob got a happy meal. We went into the crowded play room so Jacob could play. We had to wait for a table to sit at. We called Mel to bring the kids to play. When I told Jacob about them coming he said, "I toe ecited, tee Lailey, Max" and he jumped up and down. We all had lots of fun and the kids were excited when Papa also showed up. We stayed there until we had to pick up Kenzie from school at 2:45. Nana gave Jacob a shake n go Lightning McQueen back at her house - he and Kenzie had fun with that. Jacob took a nap, but Adam refused to sleep though he had taken several short naps in the car. We woke Jacob up around 4:40 to head over to Kenzie's volleyball game. Kenzie did a great job and can really slug the ball for her serves. Jacob also liked watching her play. We had dinner at Nana's house. Jacob and Kenzie played together in the tunnel with the cars. Then they went down to the basement to play where Daddy and Papa were playing pingpong. Got home around 9pm. Jacob got a package in the mail today. He was excited to open a new John Deere book - Thank-you Grandma R.


Melissa said...

That's cute what Jacob said when he heard that Hailey and Max were coming to play too. They sure had alot of fun. Great pictures. Glad you had your camera with you.

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures Kimmy. I am planning to do my blog tonight. It's not going to take me a week this time. Love ya!!!

Anonymous said...

So happy Andrew is feeling good again. I tried to leave a message on their blog, but couldn't so thought I would write it on yours.

Anonymous said...

Penny when you leave a comment on our blog something about kat having to give permission but feel free to leave a comment just fill out all the info you have to and it will show up. Its just something we do to keep the riff raff out


Anonymous said...

Eric, Jared is up to 2 gallons and a quart of blood donated. My family all got a good laugh from your comment yesterday about Adam saying "Titty" in public.

Melissa said...

I was very happy to hear that Andrew is feeling better too.

Anonymous said...

Penny you also have to be on the new blog. Kat turned the comments off on the old one.

Anonymous said...

Eric, I was on the new blog. Thanks for letting me know what to do. Next time I will fill out the info. Don't blame Kat for not wanting the riff raff.