Sunday, March 09, 2008

Adam woke up at 7am and then slept until 9:15. We brought him down to our bedroom and he sat between Jared and I. Several times as he was petting Truman he said, "Dow-dee". He had us laughing because when I'd tell him to give me a kiss he'd start smacking his lips. Jacob came down to the bedroom around 9:30am. He had to go potty right away so I took him and then he came into our bed for a little while. After he goes potty he always flushes the toilet. He'll go to flush, stop, hold up one finger and say, "no two fingers, use one finger" and he flushes the toilet with one finger. We usually go to first service at church but today we went to the 11am service. Jacob was excited to show us what he made in his class. As he told us the things he did in class he said, "Mommy get little, Daddy get little come play with me". He wants us to come play in his class. After church we had veggie soup and fruit for lunch. Jacob had a pizza. While the boys were napping Jared and I looked at which kinds of chickens we are going to order. We will be getting 2 of eight different kinds of layers and 50 broilers. Jacob was excited when I told him we were ordering baby chickens. We are very excited about getting more chickens. Then I watched I Love Lucy while laying on the couch and took a nap until the boys were up from their nap. After dinner we went into town to walk around Target. The boys really liked walking up and down the rows of toys. We got home around 8pm. I went out to take care of the animals. While I read Adam his bedtime book I usually take his hand and have him point at the different pictures while I tell him what they are. Tonight he was pointing on his own - he'd point and I tell him what he was pointing at. He also kept pointing at the fishtank saying, "ish, ish".


Melissa said...

WOW! I can't believe Adam is starting to talk already. He is getting big too fast. I think he said hi back to me the other day at McDonald's too. He said it perfectly right after I said hi to him.

Anonymous said...

wow thats a lot of chickens your going to get...I'm sure mom can tell you all kinds of chicken stories! Only 2 egg layers....are you sure thats going to be enough. Might need more of those to off set the fox loses! ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

No 2 would not be enough, were getting 16 layers (eight different breeds) including some green egg layers - yeh!

Anonymous said...

ok that sounds better from your post it sounded like you were picking 2 from all the different breeds. woo hooo now you can have green eggs and Ham! oh wait you dont eat ham well the boys could have green eggs and ham them!

Anonymous said...

I like hearing what Adam is saying now. He's growing up so fast. Both boys are as cute as can be in the pictures. xoxoxox