Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The boys seem to be feeling much better today. Jacob came in bed with me around 7am. He has started saying "I love you" on his own without us saying it first. This morning Jacob ate rice crispies and a banana for breakfast. He liked when I put the cerel up to his ear and let him listen to it crackle. Adam woke up around 8:30. He likes to bounce and sing. He sings, "la la la la" or a few other variations. He also copies me if I stick out my tongue or shake my head yes or no. When he tries to shake his head yes it more of a bounce up and down. Adam loves to ride on my shoulders as we play train through the house. Jacob really laughs when I say were headed to the bathroom to brush our teeth but we pass it and we have to back up. We played "doctor" and I took care of Jacob's sick puppy. He always holds the puke dish and has the puppy puke in it. Adam really likes Truman lately. He climbs over him or lays by him with a big smile. The boys fell asleep for their naps really quick but neither slept very long. When Jared got home from work Jacob brought the jenga game to him and asked to play. He brought his stool for them to play on. I went outside to take care of the animals. Clarence (our goat) has become very friendly. As I take them their hay he is always standing right by my side. He loves me to scratch his side and rub his horns. After breakfast Jacob helped me make rice crispy treats. Jacob had fun playing in the bath tub. After he gets out he always run in his towel to Daddy and snuggles with him. Watched American Idol tonight.


Anonymous said...

Kimmy. You are so faithful in your blog. I get up in the morning. Wash up and get dressed and then it's a visit with my Michigan Kids. Down stairs and paper and breakfast is next. The blog keeps you close to Carmel. Thanks so much. It seems that a new good normal is back in your house. Thank goodness. The weather has puked all over the place. Makes for an interesting morning. Power was off yesterday afternoon. Andrew gets tubes this morning. I think they are at the hospital right now or soon. It's 6 am. Thank goodness for tubes.

Anonymous said...

Deer tracks in the snow across the yard this morning.

Melissa said...

I love how Adam is laying between Truman's legs. That's really a cute picture. Glad everyones feeling good now. I sure hope Andrew starts to feel better after getting the tubes in. He sure has been through alot for such a little guy. I feel so bad for him.

Anonymous said...

Let me know as soon as you hear how Andrew is doing with the tubes. Hope this takes care of the problems. I am anxious to hear he is doing good....
I love the picture of Adam with Truman too. Very cute.

Anonymous said...

The last comment was from me...Love Mom