Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Adam was awake off and on last night from about 2:30 until 4:30. He did finally put himself to sleep around 4:30. He then slept until around 10am. At 7:45 I got a call from the post office that our chicks were there. I called Jared right away and he came home. He had planned on taking the day off as soon as they came in but didn't expect they would be here so early. Jacob was so excited when Daddy came in the house with the loud chirping box. He lifted the corner to peek inside and then started jumping excitedly. We first took the broilers out to their spot in the stall. They liked to follow Jacob around. Jacob was bending over looking at the birds and noticed the red heat light. He decided to touch it but pulled his hand back fast. He got a little burn on his finger. We went back inside to look at the pullets and get them their water. Then we took them out to the chicken coop. After they had their water for about an hour we put in their food and chick grit. They started eating right away. After Adam woke up we went to the car lot and looked at a few minivan's for sale. After we test drove the first van Jacob said, "I don't like this van". The second one he said he liked before we were even in it. It was fun looking. When we got home we had lunch and then I got ready to leave for my dentist appointment. Even though Jared was home I still took Adam over to Mel's because I didn't want to dissapoint Hailey. She has been asking to watch Adam. Jacob came with me to the dentist. He was friendly with the ladies and even showed them his teeth. Jacob really wanted to go into Mel's so I took him in to play. Adam took a few steps towards me for Aunt Missy to see. It was a beautiful day. Sunny and around 50 degrees. When we got home we visited the chicks. Adam even liked watching them. Jacob said, "Daddy got yellow chicks, me got brown chicks". Then as he left the barn he said, "I love me chicks". Took the kids to play on the swing and slide. Adam loves to swing. Jacob loves the straight slide. He won't go down the curly slide yet but sure loves to stand at the bottom and watch Daddy and Mommy come down it. We hooked up the trailer and went to pick up some wood chips. We scooped a load of chips onto the trailer. Jacob brought his shovel and rake and liked playing on the large pile of wood chip. By himself he could only get about halfway up. We helped him and all climbed up to the top. While we tied the tarp Jacob played on the large pile of dirt. After dinner we went outside to put woodchips around our plants. Then we took another trip to see the chicks and feed the animals.

Here are some picture of Adam at Aunt Missy's


Anonymous said...

Wood chips...Sounds like a spring activity. But...I noticed those heavy coats out in the chicken house. The chick pictures are wonderful. Jacob's expressions are even better. One more sleep. Yahoo. I forget how long it takes a broiler to get to broiler size. Is it six weeks? I know it's not very long. I'm the first to comment. That doesn't happen often.

The Daddy said...

better not name the broilers or kimmy will not let you sell them off for food! dont know if she'll ever eat chicken again if she even knows there's a chance one of those chickens happened to be at the farm!

Anonymous said...

I think no names were in the deal with the broilers. Goodness. 20 names for the pullets. How does one keep that all in one's brain?

Anonymous said...

Morning was cool yesterday but it warmed up to feel like spring.
No - there will be no naming the broilers. Twenty names for the hens will be hard to remember. It will especiall be tough to tell the chickens of the same breed apart.

The Daddy said...

bummer that their will be no Marties around!

Melissa said...

We are so happy you still brought Adam over. We had so much fun with him. He is such a good baby and so cute. Hailey loved helping me with him and playing with him. Now it's Jacob's turn. Maybe he could spend the night sometime. I think he would like that and Hailey and Max sure would too.

Melissa said...

Cute chicks. I love all the pictures. Jacob looks so excited. Hailey and Max loved watching the video. They keep asking to watch it over and over. Can't wait to come and see them.