Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The boys and I slept in again this morning. Woke up around 9:15. Jacob had cheerios and a banana for breakfast and Adam ate oatmeal, bananas and dry cheerios. Jacob was hungry this morning and asked for more cheerios. When I told Jacob we were going to watch Sesame street he didn't say anything at first. He looked at me with a smile and said, "tay, that will be per-ick". He wanted me to tell him to say that. Got to talk to my sister on the phone today. Jacob and Adam also got to talk to her. Adam even said, "Titty" a couple times when I told him to say her name. After lunch Jacob wanted to go to our bedroom and listen to some music. Around 2pm the boys had a snack. Adam likes to take bites of his crackers sideways. Jacob rested on the couch with some books again today. He said he wanted to go outside and feed the animals with me when he was done resting. I got more laundry and dishes done. Around 4pm Jacob and I went outside to take care of the animals. He barried a stick under the sawdust in the barn and said, "uh oh, let me out, let me out" and then unbarried it. It was nice outside (around 40 degrees and sunny). Jacob had some "hot chocolate milk" when we came inside. He likes to eat the little marshmellows first. Adam was still asleep when Daddy came home from work. Soon he woke up and we got ready to head into town. We walked around the mall and Target. Then we stopped at meijer before heading home for dinner. Watched American Idol tonight to see who was voted off.


Melissa said...

Love all the pictures, especially the ones of Jacob reading on the couch. Cute how he is laying with his feet up. Adam looks so much like his cousin Andrew in that first picture of him. At least I think so. It must be the eyes or something.

Melissa said...

I guess he looks like him in that second picture too. I just never noticed it before. His face is starting to thin out a little bit which makes him look a little older. Maybe that's it.

Melissa said...

Kimmy, you should put a picture of Jacob at that age so we can see the two of them at the same age together.

Anonymous said...

wow didn't notice that Jacob has "wife beater" shirts!