Thursday, March 06, 2008

Adam woke up for the morning at 7:30. I listened to him talking in his crib. He was saying, "Mama, Mama" a lot and blowing through his lips making funny noises. Jacob was up around 8:15. We watched Curious George and Clifford. When Clifford came on I sang the song and he and I danced to the music. When the song was over Jacob looked at his fish and then at me and said, "yellow fish says good job". I got out Jacob's money that he's been saving which we are taking to the bank today. He started counting it and said, "count with me Mommy". Then he said, "I got money like Mommy does". While I was feeding Adam his breakfast I went to give him a bite and he shook his mouth and wouldn't take one. Then he reached for the cheerios box. He had ate all the cheerios on his tray and wanted more. Jacob and I had fun talking to Adam on the phone using the intercome. Adam smiled so big when he heard us talking. Then Jacob and I talked to each other. Jacob loves his walking sticks from Grandpa. He plays with them every day. We used them to hit a ball back and forth today. And he also likes to use them as a microphone, guitar or a violin as we sing. Adam found Jacob sippy cup of milk and went to take a drink of it. I took it away and switched it for his water. He put down his water while shaking his head no and reaching for Jacob's milk. Today we ate lunch a little early so we could meet Daddy at the blood bank at noon. Jacob liked watching Daddy get his blood drawn and especially liked the cookies and juice he got afterwards. Then I took Jacob to the bank to put his money into his savings account. He really liked that and also liked the sucker they gave him. Walked around Salvation army. Found a couple pair of shorts for Jacob and a couple kids books. The boys were so well behaved and we had such a fun day out. This evening we went out to Fazoli's for dinner. Daddy and Jacob had spagetti and Adam ate bites of my pizza. Adam also tasted my lemonaide and kept reaching his hands out to the cup begging for more. Tonight Adam said, "Titty" each time I pointed to my sister Vikki's picture and tried to get him to say her name. The boys were in bed by 9pm and then Jared and I watched Lost.


Anonymous said...

Well its about time everyone finds out that he for sure can say my name. LOL I love him.
Kimmy where have you been the last 3 days? Ive tried calling you and cant seem to get you. I will try again tomarrow.
O go on Mel Gagers myspace and look at the new pics she put of her and Eve they are so cute!!!
Love you

Anonymous said...

Jared's giving how many gallons is he up too? Not sure if he'll ever catch up to Dad's 6 gallons was it? Make sure Adam says Vikki's name really loud next time he's out in public I'm sure that will turn lots of heads!

Melissa said...

Wow, Jacob looks alot older in those top two pictures. The picture of Jared and the boys is cute too. Thanks for calling us to meet you at McDonald's today. It was alot of fun.