Saturday, March 15, 2008

All three kids woke up around 8:30. I heard Kenzie and Jacob giggling and Adam talking. I went into Jacob's room and he was holding Kenzie's hand. Adam had some big smiles for me when I walked in his bedroom. We got ready, ate breakfast and then headed into town. First we made a trip to our post office. Jacob got a gift in the mail from Grandma that he was excited to open. Kenzie helped him open it. Inside was a John Deere pillow made by Grandma. He loves it! He liked counting the tractors and kept pointing and saying, "dat me tractor, dat Mommy's tractor, dat Kenzie's tractor, dat Adam's tractor, dat Daddy's tractor". He had to have the pillow with him while he rested today and its in bed with him now. Jacob and Kenzie got donuts and choc milk and Jared and I got oj's. Then we walked around Salvation army. Vikki meet us there to pick up Kenzie. I There I found a couple nice pair of jeans for Jacob and some really nice sewing thread. When we were leaving Jacob said, "no Bippi go bye bye". They came with us to Goodwill. Then we went to get a couple fish at PetSmart. Jared and I made brown rice and veggies for us for lunch. The boys were done with their lunch and playing long before our lunch was ready. The first batch of rice didn't turn out so we tried to make a second. We took a few bites and both decided it was probably the worst meal we've eaten. We gave our plates to the dogs and decided we were going to Pi's (a Chinese restaurant) for dinner this evening. Jacob rested and Adam took a nap. Jared went outside to work on the tractor. Then Jacob and I went outside. Jacob watched Daddy working in the barn and I cleaned out the chicken coop. Adam woke up and Daddy and Jacob went inside to get him and brought him outside. I cleaned Sammy's stall and fed the horses. Jared fed the goats and sheep. Back inside I put on some clean jeans just out of the dryer. Jacob smiled and said, "Dem peel good Mommy, day make me peel all warm and toasty". As we went to walk into the restaurant a firetruck came driving past us. Jacob wave to the firemen who waved back at him. We were really "stuffed" after a really good meal with some really good rice. We went to TSC to pick up a few things for the baby chicks that were getting. Then we went to meijer to take return some pop bottles. Jared and I like to race and see who get the most bottles in by seeing who has the highest price on the receipt. Jacob cheered me on saying, "go Mommy go". By the time we got home it was already time to get the boys in their pj's.


Anonymous said...

There is no doubt in my mind...Jacob LOVES his pillow. The smile says thank you a million times. What a great little boy. That smile is a great pay day for me! certainly are a great mucker of the barn and chicken coop and of course mother to two great little boys among other things. Are you getting ground corncobs for bedding for the peeps? I remembered that pop got a cardboard roll that created a fenced in area for the chicks so that they stayed together under the light provided. Don't know if chick growers do that anymore. I think Jacob will really like to see those peeps grow. He probably will want to hold them all the time. Have you heard about the terrible storms in Atlanta? Dee seems to be OK. I'm wondering about all those trees. Palm Sunday...Church will be busy today. It will be fun.

The Daddy said...

kimmy who won the race? As for brown rice you have to let it cook a little longer then the reg rice. Kat and I have it sometimes too. Usually we have it with our chicken and rice dish we make but it has to cook about 10 min. We use the Minute brand (instant whole grain brown rice that cooks in 10 min) sometimes it takes about 15 min

The Daddy said...

Kimmy brown rice also has a little different texture too

Anonymous said...

We had never heard of corncobs for bedding until I read your comment and just now read about it in the TSC page about taking care of chicks. This time we are just using sawdust. We did buy rolled cardboard to create a fenced area for the chick. Until this year we have kept the baby chicks in a cage in our house - stinky and messy - never again. I am setting up an area in the coop for my chicks:) (the layers). Jared is setting up an area in one of our stalls for his chicks (the broilers). Jacob is really excited as are Kenzie and Hailey about getting chicks. Kenzie is picking out one of the layers to name herself - right now she's set on naming her Macy. We haven't been waking up in time to make first service. Went to the 11am service today - very nice service.
Eric, I won the race by only one can. Jared wasn't going to show me his slip after seeing mine. For the second batch of brown rice we did cook it longer - still nasty. Maybe we'll try the Minute brand if there is a next time.

Anonymous said...

There are just a few things I remember about baby peeps. That was a LONG time ago. Let's think 60 years at least. Goodness me...the brain is still working better than I thought. We used water mason jars that had a little trough. You put water in the jar and then turned it over so the water came out the metal trough. I also remember that we had to put each peeps beak into the water to teach them how to drink. Working on something...hummmm don't you wonder what it is?

Brother Cassian said...

Yes, we are fine here near Atlanta. Just the downtown was hit.

I am amazed to see how big Kenzie is in the pictures. You do not always have such clear pictures of her standing up -- and just look at how tall she has grown!

Adam certainly looks busy in these pictures, pushing his truck around. I bet he just never stops, does he?

When I was in Kindergarten we had chicks and I got to keep them over the Christmas holiday. I remember that after ALL THESE MANY MANY YEARS -- so, just imagine the wonderful memories your boys will have raising chicks.

The Daddy said...

Uncle dee, Grandmother let you have chicks in the house??