Thursday, March 27, 2008

Adam woke up at 6:45 to nurse and then slept until 8am. Jared got to work and realized he had forgotton to his computer and had to come back home to get it. Jacob woke up just before Adam. Mom called this morning and said she was in the ER with Grandpa. He had fallen in the driveway yesterday and was worried his hip was broke. We prayed and a little later got a call saying that his hip wasn't broke - just bruised. Today I shared my pop tart with Jacob and he said, "I eat Grandpa's pop tart, Grandpa come home tay grrrrrrrr". I laughed because Grandpa R. does growl at him when he wants a bite of his pop tart. Adam took another several steps by himself towards me today. While he was napping Jacob and I went outside to check on the chicks. Then I cleaned out the garage in the barn while Jacob played. When we went inside I made Jacob some hot chocolate. Adam woke up soon after we got inside. Jared picked Kenzie up to spend the night. She was really excited about the chicks. She got to pick out four of the layers that are hers and she get to name them. She spent alot of time in the coop and kept saying how excited she was. After dinner we headed to town for some groceries. As soon as we got home Kenzie wanted to go back to the coop. We let Kenzie and Jacob sleep in our bed with Truman and then Jared carried them to their beds when we were ready for bed.


Anonymous said...

Goodness...first comments again. The rest of the world is sleeping. Funny Jacob and Grandpa R with poptarts. We'll see you all tonight. And little Adam sleeping. He's a Russell for sure with those hands up trapped behind his head. That keeps them from flopping all over. Should we get ready for snow on the trip? We're off to see the Russells...the wonderful Russells from Hope. Now you need to add music.

The Daddy said...

I have names for the chickens.
Hewey, Doey and Louie, Theodore, Simon and ALVIN!

Brother Cassian said...

NOW I understand LAYERS!

When you used it the day you were unpacking the box, I thought the chicks were packed on different levels -- in layers. It did not make sense why they would do that. (I think on the video you said something about the layers, and I thought this.) And it sure looked as if they were all on the same level, in four different compartments.

Today, I got it. Layers is not how they are packed, but what some of them will DO!!! Ohhhhhh!!

Slow. But the mind does still work. Sort of.

The Daddy said...

guessing grandma and grandpa got there ok??

Anonymous said...

Yes, Grandma and Grandpa arrived around 7:15pm.