Sunday, March 23, 2008

Lots of pictures on Easter Sunday

This morning Jared and I got up early to hide Easter eggs and Easter baskets. Jared and I were so excited for the kids to wake up that around 8am I went into their rooms and opened their shades. They still didn't move. It was only after Jared and I started calling Jacob's name from the hallway that they both started to wake up. Jacob was so excited to run around the room finding the eggs. Adam crawled around just watching Jacob run around. Jacob did really good finding the eggs and only needed help with a few. When he was searching for his last egg he found his basket and we then gave Adam's his. They both loved the hot wheels car Daddy picked out for them. Jacob also got some m&ms, choc teddy grahm's, fruit snacks, and lucky charms cerel in his plastic easter eggs which filled his basket. Adam got banana stars and fruit snacks. He really loved chewing on the plastic eggs. He'd layed one on the floor and kept laying his head on it to give it a hug. We ate breakfast and got ready for church. On the way to church Jacob was asking to go to Nana's house. When I took him back to his class he saw the painting of Daniel and the lions on the wall and said, "Look-it dem lions, no dem gonna eat Jonah". When I took Adam to the nursury he pouted as I left. We got home from church around 11pm. Got ready and headed to Mom's house around 12. Kenzie had to leave soon so right away they kids searched for their Easter baskets from Nana and Papa. They each had three to find (except Adam had 2). They had lots of fun. Then we went outside to search for Easter eggs. They boys looked for the sport balls and the girls looked for the shiny eggs. There were also a bunch of solid colored eggs for all. Inside Jacob was excited to find a dollar in one of his eggs and said, "I gotta put dat in me piggy bank". They kids played until it was time to eat. They meal was wonderful - thanks Mom. Max and Adam took their naps and Jacob and Hailey rested. Then we had pie. The boys watched Cars in the family room. Adam loved climbing up the stairs. He really laughed hard when Aunt Missy played with him. The kids were all so tired by the end of the day. Both boys fell asleep on the drive home and stayed asleep as we carried them to their rooms.


Melissa said...

You sure did get some great pictures. What a fun day!

Anonymous said...

Your story is just what should happen on Easter Sunday. Church and family. 4 more sleeps until Michigan. There's another surprise coming for the litle boys. And...the peeps will be the big surprise for us. 1 more sleep till they come. See you soon.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if Adam ever cried. The first picture is so sad. Those eyes look like they are really full of tears. So sad, so sad. I love the last picture much better.

Brother Cassian said...

Cute pictures.

What was in the basket that Jared gave to Kimmy?

Anonymous said...

You took great pictures Kimmy. Thanks for sharing them. I copied them to my pictures. Thanks again for all you help and for the yummy pie and rolls. You are wonderful!!!Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Yea that was a fun day. Im glad I got to come back for 2 hours instead of 45 minutes. That was awesome. Love you and sorry we couldnt come over tonight! Maybe next Saturday. DO you still love us?

Anonymous said...

Jared didn't get me a basket but I did give him one. I get any leftover candy:) And this year I was able to hide it a little better than last year when he found it as soon as he started looking.

Anonymous said...

Vikki, I'm glad I got to see pictures of your new truck. I love you.