Sunday, March 02, 2008

We all had a great night sleep last night. Because of the coffee I drank so late last night I had a hard time falling asleep. I slept until Adam woke me at 5:45am. For the first time today I was prepared for him to puke after I nursed him. He didn't puke though. Jacob came down to our bed at 8am. As I fill up the buckets of corn from the gravity wagon one of our hens was waiting to clean up any that missed the bucket. I threw her a couple handfuls of corn. Adam puked a little after his breakfast this morning but that was it for the day. Jacob ate a few cheerios and drank some milk this morning. We went into town to get some fish and as we walked into PetSmart Jacob said he wanted to get a yellow fish. We all had fun walking through the pet store. Adam gets really excited when we walk by the parakeets and also loved looking at the fish. We left with one black and one yellow fish to add to our tank. Made "Grandma's grilled cheese" sandwiches for lunch. Instead of making them in the frying pan Grandma would toast them, put cheese on them, wrap them in a paper towel, and stick them in the microwave. When I make them they always bring back great memories. They boys were tired and took 3+ hr naps. Jacob woke up first and played with Daddy while I went outside to take care of the animals. By the time I came in Adam was awake. Jacob wanted pizza for dinner. I made pizza rolls and he ate a couple. He ate a couple bites of applesauce. I tucked Adam in his crib and then went into Jacob's room where Daddy was tucking him in. He sat up and puked all over his bed and a little on the floor. He always pukes out of his nose too and panackes like he can't breath. The John Deere book that he sleeps with every night got covered. While I cleaned up the mess Jacob sat on the couch with Daddy. Then I sat by him and rubbed his head for a while.


The Daddy said...

oh man poor guy...hopefully he starts feeling better soon. Might want to lay off the pizza rolls. stick with crackers and water

Anonymous said...

Yeh, thats the plan. It was the first time he had asked for something like that so we decided to give it a try. He puked again around 3am.

Anonymous said...

You can add bananas/applesause to the crackers and water. I remember both kids having trouble with just plain old water. Jacob's eyes look like he's sick.
This is a new week. I hope it's very different very soon. I think JB looks like he's on the mend. Wash your hands, Kimmy.

Anonymous said...

Jacob asked for pizza rolls for breakfast but it'll be a bland diet for him today. I'll keep washing my hands:) Neither of the boys has had any diarrhea or puking yet today.

The Daddy said...

pizza rolls for breakfast yummy. You might want to remind him what happened the last time he ate pizza rolls. I'm sure he doesn't want that to happen again

Anonymous said...

When I told him they might make him sick and he said, "me get better I eat pizza rolls". Then he asked for a banana and said, "no me wanna puke".

Anonymous said...

Smart boy...Bland is what he needs to quiet that stomach. Poor little thing. Bananas, Van. pudding, applesause and of course all of this in little amounts. That stomach needs a rest. It's in a bad cycle. Glad to hear the hands are washed. JB looks good. Adam's picture from his crib is wonderful. If Jared's face were right beside Adam's peeking over the bed that would be the best. That's the old...JB and the young...Adam all together.

Anonymous said...

Jacob is smart not to want to puke again. Poor little guy. I'm so glad you stayed healthy with all you had to go through taking care of the rest of the family. I will be glad to see you all again. Seems like a long time now. The grilled cheese sandwiches made that way sure do bring back great memories. Much love to all. xoxox