Love their expressions in this photo.
Jared and I went to bed around 12am. We stayed up watching a James Bond movie. Jacob came and lay in bed with me around 8:30. We got up when Adam started talking, around 9am. The boys ate pancakes for breakfast. Jacob scooted his chair on the same side of the table as mine saying, "I wanna sit by you". After breakfast Jacob brought out his John Deere books to look at as he sat on the couch. Adam pointed at Jacob's room saying, "dup tuck". Then he took me over to the bookshelf. I got him a dump truck book and the firetruck book. He went back to the couch to sit next to Jacob. After Jacob helped him open up the firetruck book, he turned the pages and pointed out the "dow-dee" on each page. Adam likes to walk around the room backwards. Its so funny to watch. Jacob rode his dump truck around pretending to be a garbage man. He had pieces of paper around the house that he picked up to put in his truck. At 11:30 I packed a lunch and we headed over to the splash park. Jacob wanted to play in the water before we ate saying he was still full from breakfast. They both has so much fun playing in the water. It was a hot day (high eighty's, low nineties). After a while Jacob asked to eat, so we took a break to have lunch. Jacob found a lady bug and loved watching it crawl all over his arm and hand. After lunch they went back to play in the water. We left around 2:30 and headed over to Tim Horton's for donuts. Then I took them to play at the mall. It was nice and cool in there. Adam loved walking back and forth on the big toothbrush. Jacob likes to climb up and jump off on the different things. We walked thru the toy area in Target. Then we went over to the hats and all tried on different hats. There were a bunch of silly hat that we had fun with. Got home around 4:30. Adam lay down for a late nap and slept until 6:30. Jacob and I rested for about an hour until Daddy came home at 5:30. Daddy and Jacob went outside. Jacob was excited to wear his boots just like Daddy. He played while Daddy weed wacked around the goat fence to get the grass off the wire. Then they drove the tractor up the hill at the back of our property. This evening Daddy was pretended to be a turtle by putting the lid to the toybox on his back. He said, "turtles move really slow, unless - there snaping turtles!" as he chased the boys. Adam brought me a tiny piece of paper he had found. He'd put it in my hand and help me blow it off. He'd get so excited and sometimes would miss my hand and it would fall to the floor. Then he'd say, "uh oh". Jacob and Adam love when Daddy balls up their blankey's and then throws it at them. They both laugh really hard. Adam walked over to Daddy several times and threw his blankey back at him.
Kimmy, YOUR STORIES ARE WONDERFUL and so full of details. They make me feel like I'm seeing the children. Tell JB that I'm really impressed with the nesting boxes. Those chickens live at the Hilton.
I love their expressions in that picture too.
Does Mommy get to play in the splash park? Or does she only take photos? On a hot day, I think Mommy ought to take advantage of having two pre-schoolers and splash some.
The pictures of the boys reading together and playing together are priceless treasures. I am so glad you share all of the details too as it is like were there with you for all the fun and memories you are making. I agree that your chickens live at the Hilton...great, fantastic job, Jared
Oh, I got wet too. Not drenched just wet enough to keep me cool. Jacob had me run to the middle and turn the wheel with him. And the boys thought it was funny to hugg Mommy and get me all wet. Jacob liked pouring water over my feet. He also would get his hair drenched and then come rub heads with me. I enjoyed taking pictures and watching the boys have fun. I loved the excitement in their faces after they'd run thru the water and then run back to me. Sometimes its just SO MUCH FUN for me just to sit back and watch my boys having a BLAST!
Kimmy, I love the pictures you put on your blog of the kids at the fair. They bring great memories of our fun fair day this year. Thanks for putting so many on. Love ya!
The next time you all go have Jared tell Jacob not to get wet and see what happens. Dad would say that to us all time when mom would take us to the pool to go swimming..we didn't have splash parks back ten
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