Sunday, August 05, 2007

Copper Harbor Trip 2007 (7-20-07)

This evening I made our bedroom dark so Jared was able to get to sleep a little earlier. I stayed up with the kids until around 11 pm. The alarm went off at 12:50am. We took Kate out to her stall, got our pillows and packed the cooler. Adam stayed sleeping as I put him in his car seat. I then put Jacob in his sweatshirt and we carried them out to the car. Jacob woke up and said "bye bye, Daddy, bye bye - Tru Tru bye bye". We were on the road by ~1:20am. We stopped to fill up with gas and get ice for the cooler. Then we drove to Tim Horton's for coffees. We were heading north by 2am. Jacob seemed really excited and talked until 3am when he fell asleep. Adam woke up while we were crossing the Mackinaw bridge. I nursed him at the gas station and Jacob got out to walk with Daddy. It felt much cooler on this side of the bridge - the car read 36 degrees at one point. Jacob stayed awake until 7:30am. Then he slept off and on until we got to the Pats Food in Houghton. Jared and Jacob went in for a few things and I fed Adam. Then I took Adam with me into the Family Dollar to get some duck tape. Our tarp over the trailer was getting a few holes.


Brother Cassian said...

Thanks, Kimmy, for getting all of this posted. I just skimmed through all the pictures -- I will have to read it all more slowly over several days. Just think how nice it would be to post one post a day and not have it all waiting to be done on your return!

It looks as if you all had a wonderful time. Both boys look good -- and it was nice to see Andrew appear occasionally, too! (Oh, yeah, it was nice to see you and Jared and Doug and Lela, too.)

I am glad you have shared some of the fun with me in hot and humid Georgia!