Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Yesterday we left Jared's car at my mom's house so this morning I took him there and he left for work. I went with my parents and Kenzie to a breakfast with a group that meets every Wed. From there I took the boys over to Mel's house. Hailey was still sleeping when I got there but Max was up. We took them outside to play in the sandbox. When Hailey woke up she came out and joined us. The kids wanted go swimming - so we got their suits on and in they went. They all had so much fun. At first Jacob had a hard time standing up in the pool. He kept slipping and falling over into the water - he seemed to like falling in the water - Mel and I were laughing. He slid down the slide many times. Hailey sprayed Jacob with the hose and he ran away but soon came back for more - they were both laughing. We took them inside for lunch and to watch a firetruck video. Then we meet my Mom and Kenzie and a playground. It felt really hot and humid outside. The kids cheeks were so red. I took Kenzie with me to Adam's Dr appt and Jacob went to Aunt Missy's house. Adam's Dr appt went really well. He weighed 16 lbs 15.3 ounces and is 25 1/2 inches long. He had 5 injections all separate and 1 oral vaccination. He only cried when they were giving the shots after they were done he was back to himself and smiling. Jacob was laying down in Hailey's room when we got there to pick him up. He wanted to sit on Hailey's potty one more time before we left. On the way to take Kenzie back to Mom's we stopped at BabiesRUs and Meijer. At Meijer I let Jacob pick out some underware and he was excited to get the Cars underware. He fell asleep on the drive home. I lay him on our couch when we got home because I didn't want him sleeping too late and not going to bed well tonight. We ended up waking him and he took a bath to help him wake up. Then I took him outside to play for a little before dinner. He loved wearing his new underware.

Look - Adam is walking at 3 months old! :)


Anonymous said...

OK whats up with the Adam pic? My nephew's walking??? LOL

Anonymous said... you will recall, All my grandsons are above average. Adam's first word that I heard last week...HI and now walking. Not surprised one bit. Oops...4th anniversary. Seems I have the same problem as someone else had with 40. I wrong? The tree and the apple somehow go together. Old age is my excuse. Kimmy, I am so glad you are at home with your boys during the day. What a treat for all of you. LR