Monday, August 06, 2007

Day 2

During the night Adam woke up at ~2:30am, I nursed him back to sleep and then tucked Jacob under his covers. He woke up again about an hour later. I gave him his pacifier and he went right back to sleep. He woke up around 5:30am and I nursed him back to sleep again. Jacob rolled over to say, "Hi mama, I awake". He came to lay in bed with us for a bit. After his breakfast I took him down to brush his teeth and hair. Back at camp he played in the dirt with his tractors. It was a very cool morning. Jacob fell asleep in the stroller. Grandma R meet up with us and we all walked back to camp. Today for lunch we cooked hot dogs over a fire. We used the coals for aluminum foil dinners. Went to town and stopped to see Dennis's pottery. Then we went for a drive along the lake. We stopped and climbed up a rock cliff by the water. Went out for ice cream. When we got back we made smores and then it was time for bed.