Monday, August 06, 2007

Day 6

We celebrated Grandpa's birthday today by going out for lunch at the Tamarack. Jacob was very tired and fell asleep on the drive back to camp. When the boys woke up we went to Dennis's shore and check out his pottery. Then we went to the Laughing Loon store. When we got back to our car it sounded like the boat was coming in from Isle Royale. We hurried over so we could watch it come in. Jacob loved watching it and kept saying, "Me boat" because he wanted us to take him on the boat. While we were eating our dinner, Grandma took Adam for a walk around camp in his stroller. At the Berry Patch tonight Jacob started out wanting "green cold cream" but ended up wanted my blue. We took a nice evening walk around the park until it was dark. Jacob kept walking over by the trucks and saying, "Me jump truck" and then he'd jump. The boys went to bed quickly. Adam woke up at 5:30am, nursed and fell back asleep until ~9am. Jacob rolled over when he heard Adam fussing and said, "hi mama". He said, "Ho hold, mama's hand" and I held his hand - he fell asleep quickly.