Thursday, August 23, 2007

Both boys slept in until 9am. Adam woke up first and I was nursing him when Jacob came out of him room looking for me. Jared had a meeting with the pastor about his baptism on Sunday and also talked about Adam's dedication next month.
Jared here, Kimmy got up and left the blog to heat up dinner. So unbeknownst to her I'm comendearing the blog. Ha ha ha... the blog's all mine. Lets see what can I talk about. .....hummmmm lets see, what can I talk about.... It rained last night, it rained this afternoon... my crazy uncle who's writing a blog through the eyes of a cat, not to mention he's a a Dallas Stars fan ( My uncle not the cat). Poor Uncle Rick, one day he'll wake up and realize what a real hockey team looks like. We'll I'm building a "time out" chair for's about half way done. I didn't make up any plans or draw it out before I started so it's a work in progress. I'm now trying to figure out if I should go fancy or Cistercian Monk with the design. I've got the legs finished and I could simply put a top on the legs and have a very practical stool for time outs.... or I could go wild and get a little crazy with the rest of it. So right now I'm staring at it trying to picture different designs. Odds are I'll get a little wild and crazy and attempt a fancier design than just a plain top. .... Ha ha ha... I just asked kimmy if she wanted me to post what she typed... she has no idea I added on. Thing is, she'd probably be very happy I added all this but I'll just pretend that I'm being very sneaky. Ok time to go eat...I'm sure Kimmy will have pictures of the "time out" chair on here sooner or later...the speed that I'm progressing at it'll be later than sooner. STay tuned.


Brother Cassian said...

Think about the message you want to send with the time-out chair. Do you want it to be so attractive that Jacob is sure to do things to sit there? Or, is it just going to be a neat chair that he can sit in any time he wants -- and which he is expected to sit in when he needs to manage himself a little better? I always kept a good teddy bear on my time-out chair in the classroom so that children would want to sit there on their own; and then, when we needed a little behavior modification, I could tell them to go sit with the bear (Bonaventure Bear) until they were ready to join us again. So, with all this in mind, you might want to move beyond Cistercian simplicity. Maybe it could have a little side pocket for interesting books.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Jacob with the tree behind him. It makes such a nice background. Melissa