Thursday, August 23, 2007

I gave Jacob a haircut today and then took him to the shower to rinse him off. He was at the end of the hall when I heard him say, "Look mama - I peed". He was peeing on the carpet. While Jacob was napping Adam sat on the counter in his bumbo seat and I peeled potatoes for dinner. Every time I looked up at him he'd smile so big. Most of the time he is such a happy, content baby. I love when Jacob tries to get him to smile saying, "hi buddy, smile" as he rubs his head. Many times if he sees Adam with his thumb in his mouth he will pull it out and replace it with his bop saying, "Here go A-am". Jacob went peed on the potty tonight before bed. He has went to bed really well the last few nights. Tonight when I walked him back into bed he looked at me and said, "I poop". I checked him and his diaper was clean. Then he said, "I peed mama". He has been waking up during the night but goes back to sleep pretty quickly. Adam is a very good sleeper. I lay him in his bed at night and he falls asleep really quickly. Adam had a dr appt for tomorrow but they called and wanted to reschedule it for next week. The dr has had some family emergencies.


Brother Cassian said...

Yup. They are still cute.