Friday, August 17, 2007

Thursday, August 16

This morning I took Kenzie and Jacob over to my Mom's and headed over to Adam's dr appt. When I got there they informed me that Adam's appt was not until tomorrow. I was bummed that I had messed up the date but I was glad Adam didn't have to be vaccinated on the day we were going to spend at the fair. I went back to my moms and we made lunch. Vikki and Mel and her family meet us there at around noon. The kids were so excited to go on the rides. Hailey got really scared after riding on the fast racecars - they stopped the ride to help her off. Mel and I were with the boys and they loved it. Then we all (except Hailey and of course Adam who stayed with Mom and Bruce) went on the yellow fire truck. It was a very warm day in the sun. Hailey didn't want to go on any more ride. I rode with her on the slow elephant ride and then she started having fun again and soon was back to her happy self. She rode with Jacob on most of the rest of the rides. She was smiling so big and talking to Jacob. We took them on the merry-go-round which they all loved. Then we took them on all of the kids rides again. They were having so much fun - it was great to watch. Then Mel and I took Jacob and Max on the ferris wheel. Mom and Kenzie went in a separate basket. Jacob and Max both loved looking around when we were high up. Mel and I were a little nervous at first. Mom, Mel, Jacob and I went back on the ferris wheel again. Jared came here from work. He and Vikki took Jacob and the kids over to ride on a couple more kids rides while Mom, Mel, Kenzie and I rode a flying ride. We had been here for four hours and time was up to use our wristbands. We were all tired so we sat down on the benches in the shade where I could nurse Adam. Jacob fell asleep right away in the stroller. Jacob slept for a little bit. We walked through the animal buildings and over to the 4-H building. The boys gave the monkey some money - Hailey was scared but did it with help. Jacob went over to Jared and said, "More money". We headed home around 9pm.


Anonymous said...

Look at that he's alrady asking dad for $$

Anonymous said...

Sweet pictures.

Brother Cassian said...

Yes, great pictures!

And what an exciting week you have had. How many times have you gone to the fair? You vacation in the UP and then come back and hang out for days at a time at the fair. Rough life in Midland . . .

And, is that a harness Jacob is wearing?

Anonymous said...

We really enjoy fair week. We made it there six days. The harness for Jacob did come in handy when we were in crouds of people. Kimmy