Friday, August 31, 2007

August 30 2007

Today is our 4yr wedding anniversary. Jared came home from work early so we could spend the day together. Jacob wore his new cars underwair for most of the day and only had 2 accidents. We dropped our truck off to get the breaks fixed and then went over to the mall to walk around and pick up my wedding ring. I had bent a prong and they called to say it was ready to be picked up. Mom and Kenzie came over to watch the boys while Jared and I went out for dinner and a movie. She brought McDonald happy meals for dinner. We went to the Mongolian barbecue for dinner and the meal was really good. After the movie we went to meijer and walked around. We both thought it was really different to walk around without a stroller or a cart in front of us. It was really nice to spend time together. When we got back Jacob was in bed calling my name. I went in to see him and he asked if he could come out. He ran straight to Daddy and gave him a big hug. We showed him the spiderman underwair we had got him. He fell asleep really fast tonight. Adam had been asleep when we got home. Mom said they were both really good. She had brought the Cars movie over for them to watch together.


Brother Cassian said...

Four years? FOUR YEARS? !!!!!

Wow! It seems like yesterday I met Kimmy at the Western corral.

And the day before that Jared was playing in the sand behind the house in Carmel.

Congratulations to you both!