Monday, August 06, 2007

Day 4

Both boys slept through the night. Adam woke up at 6:30, nursed, and fell back to sleep until 9am. Jacob woke up at 8am - I was looking at him and he opened his eyes, smiled and said, "Hi, I awake". After breakfast we walked over to pebble beach. A goose came up close to shore and Jacob said, "I ho hold" Then he told Daddy, "a goose". We took Jacob to play at the playground. Grandma and Grandpa watched Truman and Adam while we took Jacob to the gift shop to pick out a patch for his sweatshirt. On the way back to camp he held the patch in his hands right up on his chest. On the trail next to Fanny Howe Jacob looked back at us and said, "Oh no". He had dropped his patch and it was no where in sight. We went back and found it in the dirt back by the fort. Grandma was taking Adam for a walk. Grandpa made Jacob a walking stick just his size. While both boys were asleep Jared got a fire ready for making aluminum foil dinners. As we sat down for dinner Jacob asked if he could color. When we told him he could color after dinner he made a dissapointed, "Ahhhh" sound. Gave Jacob some sips of my hot chocolate and he said, "mmmm thats good, more please". Jacob wanted "green cold cream" but when he saw Daddy's pink he wanted that instead. He loved watching the tractor and dump truck out working on the driveway at the ice cream store. Family joined us around the fire tonight and then later we made smores.