Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Jared got up for his trip for work at 3:30am and I also got up. I couldn't go back to sleep so I watched the video from Copper Harbor. I got the boys ready and left for my moms at around 11:00. My Aunt Linda (moms sister), who has been very ill, and her friend are here for a visit. My great cousin, who is 5yrs old, also came. Jacob was a little shy at first but soon warmed up to them. Both my sisters and their families and my Grandpa were also there. We had lunch and dinner together. Jacob was really excited to see all of his cousins. Adam was content being passed around or just laying on his blanket. Later this evening, Me and the boys went with Mel's family to an outing in town where they had all kinds of things like firetrucks, police cars, and a helicoptor that the kids could sit inside of. They were also giving out free bike helmets and fiting them to the kids. Jacob, Hailey, and Max had lots of fun. First we took them to the firetruck and I took them all inside of it. Max and Jacob weren't to sure about that. We then took them over to get fitted for helmets. Hailey and Max got green and Jacob got a red one. Then we went over to watch the police man with his dog. Jacob and Hailey had fun inside a rescue boat and then we took them to the jumping thing. Jacob kept saying, "no jump" and would go in it. Hailey loved it and so did Max at first, until Hailey took his hand and he fell over. Jacob loved sitting inside the helicoptor and we also got to watch it take off. They each got a turn spraying the hose of the firetruck. When we left Jacob said, "Bye coptor" and made firetruck sounds. (No pictures on my camera due to dead batteries).


Anonymous said...

you mean Jacob didn't get a green one...oh man the world is going to end

Anonymous said...

I know - The colors were according to sizes. Jacob's got a big head:)

Anonymous said...

The two month old pictures are awesome. Can you send them to Kat. I would love to see Andrew at two months along with the Michigan kids in one picture. What a three some that would be. Give it some thought. Love your vacation stories. And of course pictures. Love the potty story. Lela