Friday, July 20, 2007

This morning I got up and packed the car with our bags. Then I filled up the water for all the animals and got the stall ready for Kate. Our neighbor boy is taking care of the animals for us like he has for the past 2 yrs. Jacob woke up at ~8:45 and got a bath first thing. I put a couple toys in the water for him and then he asked, "yellow duck, green duck, boat" so I added them toys also. I put lots of bubbles in the water and he played while I folded laundry on the dryer. I put the towel on his head and dryed him off. Then he wanted to run up and down the hallway like superman. We went in his room to get him dressed and just as I turned around to leave, Kenzie popped in and scared us both. I had her take a shower as I got their breakfasts ready. After breakfast we went to the bathroom so I could brush Kenzie's snarls out while they brushed their teeth. Jacob likes to try and spit just like Kenzie. When I told Jacob that Nana was coming over this morning he got really excited and ran around looking for her. He kept saying, "Nana ho hold me" while pointing to himself. Adam woke up so it was time to feed him. Nana got there and I showed her all of my pictures. Jacob was definetly a Nana's boy. He sat on her lap for awhile. When he got down off her lap, Nana went to pick up Adam. Jacob ran over to her and climbed back on her lap. My mom got new outfits for each of them. Jacob loved the fish on his shirt. Mom and Kenzie took apples to the horses and then headed home. After lunch I gave Adam his bath. He really enjoys bathtime and just lays there full of smiles. While I was drying Adam off, Jacob wanted to sit on the counter next to him and watch. Well - this is probably the last you will hear from us for ~2 wks. ONE MORE SLEEP - or 1/2 for us as we are leaving at 1am. We're just a little EXCITED!!!


Anonymous said...

Good grief. The older Mr. Russell will probably just be going to bed when you leave. I know...sleeping kids is the way to go. Just don't sleep yourself at the wheel. See you sometime Sun. We'll probably stop in Houghton even though we don't have a dog. Free at last are my words. LR