Sunday, August 05, 2007

Day 13

This morning Grandma made us pancakes for breakfast. She sat with us as we ate and Jacob said, "Mmmm thats good". We took a walk around camp and Grandma pushed Jacob on his tricycle. Jared and I took the boys over to pebble beach. On the hike there we saw bear poop so I had to get a video of that. Eric had seen a bear around 5:30 this morning. I guess I'm easily amused and was happy to at least see its poop. Jacob also thought it cool and bent over to get a closer look. It was a beautiful, cool morning and we spent alot of the morning at pebble beach. Jacob would pick up a rock, look at me, and say, "I throw rock water". By the time we got back to camp it was lunch time. While the boys were napping this afternoon, Jared and I packed up as much as we could for our trip home tomorrow. We plan to leave in the morning as soon as we are packed. We got alot packed before they woke up. Went into town to get one last look at Dennis's pottery. Grandma and Grandpa were there so we stayed and visited for awhile. This evening we all went out for dinner at the Pines restraunt. Then we went to the Berry Patch for our last ice cream cones. When we got back to camp Grandma took a walk with us around camp. We all met at Uncle Eric's site for a camp fire. After they went to bed we had a fire at our campsite. We were going to have smores, but couldn't find the stuff to make them. I thought I had set them on the changing table but now they were gone. Jared asked if I had packed them away. I told him that was something I could imaging him doing but I would not pack them away because I knew we were going to be making them tonight. We searched with a flashlight for awhile but could not find them. Jared said he was going to laugh if we got home and found them packed away (well, today we found them when we were unpacking at home). We took a drive up Brockway Mt to see the stars. We saw a few shooting stars but the moon was still a little bright. Just before turning into our campground a coyote ran across the road in front of our car.