Monday, August 06, 2007

Sunday: Yesterday morning was spent unpacking. Jared halled things in and out and I put things away. Vikki and Mykenzie came over for a visit and then my parents stopped in.
Monday: Adam woke up talking at 8:30 this morning. At 9am I heard Jacob calling me. I went into his room and found him sound asleep. He slept in until 10am. He played alot with his tractors saying, "I dump truck". Then he got out his little cars and put them in the dump truck. We built a big boat out of his mega blocks. Adam was in a great mood all day - he may have fussed for only a couple minutes all day long. He loves to be talked to and smiled at. His legs are getting strong - he can stand in our lap for several seconds at a time. We got out the paints for Jacob this afternoon. He wore a smock and called Daddy saying, "Look daddy". Jacob loves to play with water so I had him help me give Adam a bath this evening. Adam hung out with Daddy while I got Jacob ready for bed. At bedtime we read three books before praying and tucking him in. When I get done with a book he always says, "Oh no, oh no" as he pick out the next book. He'd have me read to him until he was asleep and he never wants it to be the last book. Then I turn on his bubbles (lava lamp) and he blows out the lights. After a little while Daddy went into his bedroom - Jacob was saying, "up - down" as he watched the bubbles. I lay Adam in his crib and right away he stuck his thumb in his mouth and closed his eyes.