Monday, August 06, 2007

I was getting Jacob ready in the tent this morning when Jared came up to the screen and told him to touch noses. Jacob put his finger on Daddy's nose. Jared then told him, "with your nose" so Jacob put his finger on his nose also. Our neighbors dog chewed through its leash and was running around. Me and another lady caught it and found its owners. This morning we watched Batter D fire both cannons twice - Jacob jumped every time. After lunch I took Jacob over to play in Lake Fanny Howe. He started throwing rocks in and then ran back and forth in the shallow water. I read him some books and lay him down for a nap. Grandma came down to read at our site and stayed with Jacob while we went over to the fort to see them fire the cannons again and see "Dr Bandit". Adam slept right through the second cannons firing. Jacob was still napping when we got back. I gave Adam a bath and he loved it. Went over to pebble beach for a while and then it was time for ice cream. Walked around camp, gave Jacob a shower and got in bed by 10:30 pm.