Thursday, August 09, 2007

This morning, after breakfast, I was getting Jacob dressed and he wanted to sit on the potty. He sat on the potty and watched his tractor video. I left the room to hang clothes in his bedroom when he came running in the room and he was very excited. He was saying, "I peed mama, look, I peed mama". Sure enough he had - we took it and he helped me dump it in the toilet and he flushed it. I have been letting him set on the potty not expecting him to do anything - but I was so excited when he did I had to call my sisters and my mom. I called my sister back to wish her a happy 9 th anniversary when I realized the date and offered to watch her kids if her and Bruce want to go out. Jacob wanted to jump off the couch so I got the dog bed and some pillows and he jumped away. He had so much fun and then wanted me to jump also. He kept saying, "Adam down, mama jump". I jumped several times pretending to fall onto the pillows - he thought that was pretty funny. He would climb on the couch, shout "three two three" and jump. Then I got his barn out and put Adam in his bombo seat. He wanted me to play with the pig and I pretended the pig was hungry. Jacob would drive the tractor over and I would pretend the pig was eating out of the trailer - then he'd say, "All gone" and drive away. Mel and Bruce brought the kids over around 6pm. I think them three kids had every toy out. Max played with the push toy, the tractor, and the little cars. I could tell Jacob didn't really want to share his favorite toys but he knew he had to share. A couple times the boys grabbed toys from each other, but overall they did great. I made chicken fried rice for dinner and the kids loved it. Max left half of it on his lap or the floor but he wanted more when he was done. After dinner, I gave each of them a popsicle. Mom called and said they were on their way over with my Aunt, Gail, Kenzie, and Ahmai. While the kids were eating their popsicles I hurried and picked the toys up so my aunt could get around in her wheelchair. They hadn't seen the house in a couple years and they thought it looked great with the new paint and carpet. Bruce had Hailey and Jacob on the floor laughing really hard. For some reason Jacob had a hard time going to bed tonight. Usually he does great, but tonight he did not want to stay in bed. He pointed at the window and said, "Tunder". I held him for a little bit and had him watch the bubbles on his lava lamp. Later I went in to check on him and he was covered in his blanket with his little feet sticking out - hands behind his head - still watching the bubbles. I turned the light out and he said "night night, love you". Tonight after the kids were asleep I was picking up toys and wondering where most of Jacob 26 little cars had gone. I looked behind the couch and found 20 car and a pair of slippers. Mel has said they move the couch every couple days and find things - well tonight it was my turn.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jacob on your P-P-in-the-potty! Your such a big boy but your always going to be my little Jacob. Love you,
Aunt Bippi

I hope Mel reads this tonight cuz I couldnt call her to tell her happy anniversery cuz I just didnt have any time. Mel if your reading this I promise I will call you tomarrow, but just know that I didnt forget. Mom called me and told me to remember too. I love you and hope you had a good anniversery. I hope Bruce did too. Love Vikki
Call u both tomarrow, and love you both so much
Night Night